The evidence of true value and worth in men who are in responsible positions, is the fact that they have a daily Christian experience in the things of God. They find music in the words spoken by Christ, “But when the Comforter is 34come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: and ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning” If men will receive the ministration of the Holy Spirit,—the richest gift God can bestow,—they will impart blessings to all who are connected with them.
(SpTA06 33.2)
But God cannot reveal himself through some who are entrusted with responsibilities. He cannot make them channels through which his grace and compassion and love can flow; for they insult his goodness by exhibiting a masterful spirit toward those whom they regard as being in error and needing reproof, eclipsing Christ’s love and mercy by their own unsanctified passions. The enemy of all good is allowed to rule in their hearts, and their lives will reveal his attributes. They claim that the word of God directs them, but by their actions they say, “We want not thy way, but our way.”
(SpTA06 34.1)
By their words, their works, and their spirit, those who pursue such a course are making a record in the books of heaven which they will not care to meet; for God does not value them as they value themselves. They are abusing their probationary opportunities, and are grievously neglecting the high privileges conferred upon them. Though finding nothing in the word of God to vindicate their actions, or countenance their opinions, yet they persist in their own way. In that day when judgment is passed upon all, the sentence will be pronounced against them, “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.”
(SpTA06 34.2)