In no place is there greater need of genuine gospel medical missionary work than among the colored people in the South. Had such a work been done for them immediately after the proclamation of freedom, their condition today would have been very different. Medical missionary work must be carried forward for the colored people. Sanitariums and treatment-rooms should be established in many places. These will open doors for the entrance of Bible truth.
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This work will require devoted men and means, and much wise planning. Years ago we should have been training colored men and women to care for the sick. Plans should now be made to do a quick work. Let promising colored youth—young men and young women of good Christian character—be given a thorough training for this line of service. Let them be imbued with the thought that in all their work they are to proclaim the third angel’s message. Strong, intelligent, consecrated colored nurses will find a wide field of usefulness opening before them.
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