“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”Matthew 5:16.
(TMK 216.1)
Those who have an experimental knowledge of the truth are under obligation to God to communicate the precious light.... Some will be convicted and will heed the words spoken to them in love and tenderness. They will acknowledge that the truth is the very thing they need to set them free from the slavery of sin and the bondage of worldly principles. There are opened before them themes of thought, fields for action, that they had never comprehended. In Jesus the Redeemer they discern infinite wisdom, infinite justice, infinite mercy—depths, heights, lengths and breadths of love which passeth knowledge. Beholding the perfection of Christ’s character, contemplating His mission, His love, His grace, His truth, they are charmed; the great want of the soul is met, and they will say with the psalmist, “I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness” (Psalm 17:15). The divine object of faith and love they see to be Jesus Christ. With them the love of the world, the worshiping of earthly treasures, have come to an end.
(TMK 216.2)
Such a soul appropriates the Word of God to himself. He sees that the miracles, the self-denial, the self-sacrifice of Christ, His being lifted up on the cross, were for him. The language of the heart will be, “He died for me. He triumphed in death that I should not perish but believe in Him as my personal Saviour, and have that life which measures with the life of God. In the riches of His grace I am possessed of treasures that are as enduring as eternity.”
(TMK 216.3)
The world is no longer his study and his god. He hungers for a knowledge of the Word which contains for him treasures that are to be constantly sought and are constantly satisfying—an inexhaustible mine of precious things to be sought for in faith, to be appropriated and communicated to others. He has discovered the fountain of living waters, the wells of salvation, from which he may continually draw, and there will be no diminishing of the supply.
(TMK 216.4)