The work for the relief of our schools should be taken up by our people in all countries. Let it be entered upon by our churches in Australasia. Our school there is in need of help, and if our people will take hold of the work unitedly, they can do much toward lifting the burden of debt; they can encourage the hearts of those who are laboring to build up this, the Lord’s instrumentality, and they can aid in extending its influence of blessing to far heathen lands and to the islands of the sea.
(PH135 6.1)
We trust that our publishing house of Australia will make liberal terms in the publication of Object Lessons. The Lord has greatly blessed this institution, and it should present to Him a thank-offering by making no stinted donation toward freeing the school from debt. We feel sure that it will take up the work, and act its part nobly. And this co-operation with God will prove to the Australasian publishing house as great a blessing as it has proved to our institutions in America.
(PH135 6.2)
Move out in this work, my brethren in Australasia. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Have we not proved this in the past? As we have moved out, trusting in God’s promise, things unseen except by the eye of faith, have become things seen. As we have walked and worked by faith, God has fulfilled to us every word that He has spoken. The evidence we have of the faithfulness of His promises should check every thought of unbelief. It is a sin to doubt, and we do not believe that our brethren in Australasia will be guilty of this.
(PH135 6.3)
The Lord has done much for you all through your borders. Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields already white for the harvest. Praise God that His Word has been verified beyond all conception.
(PH135 7.1)
I call upon our people to enter earnestly and disinterestedly upon the work of freeing the school from debt. Let the publishing house do its part in the publication of the book. Let our people throughout Australasia take hold of the sale of Christ’s Object Lessons. God will bless them in this work.
(PH135 7.2)