1827, November 26 | Born at Gorham, Maine. |
1836 (c.) | Broken nose and concussion at Portland, Maine. |
1840, March | First heard William Miller present the Advent message. |
1842, June 26 | Baptized and accepted into Methodist Church. |
1844, October 22 | Disappointed when Christ did not come. |
1844, December | First vision. |
1845, Spring | Trip to eastern Maine to visit believers; met James White. |
1846, August 30 | Married James White. |
1846, Autumn | Accepted seventh-day Sabbath. |
1847-1848 | Set up housekeeping at Topsham, Maine. |
1847, August 26 | Birth of first son, Henry Nichols. |
1848, April 20-24 | Attended first conference of Sabbathkeeping Adventists at Rocky Hill, Connecticut. |
1848, November 18 | Vision to begin publishing work-“Streams of Light.” |
1849, July | First of eleven numbers of The Present Truth, published as a result of the vision of November, 1848. |
1849, July 28 | Birth of James Edson, second son. |
1849-1852 | Moved from place to place with her publisher-husband. |
1851, July | First book published, A Sketch of Experience and Views. |
1852-1855 | In Rochester, New York, where husband published Review and Herald and Youth’s Instructor. |
1854, August 29 | Third son, William Clarence, born. |
1855, November | Moved with the publishing plant to Battle Creek, Michigan. |
1855, December | “Testimony for the Church,” number 1, a 16-page pamphlet, published. |
1856, Spring | Moved into their own cottage on Wood Street. |
1858, March 14 | “Great Controversy” vision at Lovett’s Grove, Ohio. |
1860, September 20 | Fourth son, John Herbert, born. |
1860, December 14 | Death of John Herbert at three months. |
1860, September 29 | Name Seventh-day Adventist chosen. |
1861, October 8 | Michigan Conference organized. |
1863, May | Organization of General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. |
1863, June 6 | Health reform vision at Otsego, Michigan. |
1863, December 8 | Death of eldest son, Henry Nichols, at Topsham, Maine. |
1864, Summer | Publication of Spiritual Gifts, volume 4, with 30-page article on health. |
1864, August-September | Visit to James C. Jackson’s medical institution, Our Home on the Hillside, Dansville, New York, en route to Boston, Massachusetts. |
1865 | Publication of six pamphlets, Health: or How to Live. |
1865, August 16 | James White stricken with paralysis. |
1865, December 25 | Vision calling for a medical institution. |
1865, December | Mrs. White takes James White to northern Michigan as an aid to his recovery. |
1866, September 5 | Opening of Western Health Reform Institute, forerunner of Battle Creek Sanitarium. |
1867 | Purchased a farm at Greenville, Michigan, and built a home and engaged in farming and writing. |
1868, September 1-7 | Attended first SDA camp meeting, held in Brother Root’s maple grove at Wright, Michigan. |
1870, July 28 | Second son, James Edson, married on his twenty-first birthday. |
1870 | The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 1, published; forerunner of Patriarchs and Prophets. |
1872, July-September | In Rocky Mountains resting and writing en route to California. |
1873-1874 | Divided time between Battle Creek and California, attended camp meetings, and spent some months in 1873 in Colorado resting and writing. |
1874, April 1 | Comprehensive vision of the advance of the cause in California, Oregon, and overseas. |
1874, June | With James White in Oakland, California, as he founded the Pacific Press Publishing Association and the Signs of the Times. |
1875, January 3 | At Battle Creek for dedication of Battle Creek College. Vision of publishing houses in other countries. |
1876, February 11 | William Clarence, third son and manager of the Pacific Press, married at the age of 21. |
1876, August | Spoke to 20,000 at Groveland, Massachusetts, camp meeting. |
1877 | The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, published; forerunner of The Desire of Ages. |
1877, July 1 | Spoke to 5,000 at Battle Creek on temperance. |
1878 | The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 3, published; forerunner of last part of The Desire of Ages, and The Acts of the Apostles. |
1878, November | Spent the winter in Texas. |
1879, April | Left Texas to engage in the summer camp meeting work. |
1881, August 1 | With husband in Battle Creek when he was taken ill. |
1881, August 6 | Death of James White. |
1881, August 13 | Spoke for ten minutes at James White’s funeral at Battle Creek. |
1881, November | Attended the California camp meeting at Sacramento and participated in planning for a college in the West, which opened in 1882 at Healdsburg. |
1882 | Early Writings published, incorporating three of her early books. |
1884 | Last recorded public vision, at Portland, Oregon, camp meeting. |
1884 | The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 4, published; forerunner of The Great Controversy. |
1885, Summer | Left California for trip to Europe. |
1887, Summer | The Great Controversy published. |
1888, October-November | Attended Minneapolis General Conference. |
1889 | Testimonies, volume 5, published, embodying Testimonies, numbers 31-33—746 pages. |
1890 | Patriarchs and Prophets published. |
1891, September 12 | Sailed to Australia via Honolulu. |
1892, June | Spoke at opening of Australian Bible School in two rented buildings in Melbourne. |
1892 | Steps to Christ and Gospel Workers published. |
1894, January | Joined in planning for a permanent school in Australia. |
1894, May 23 | Visited the Cooranbong site. |
1895, December | Moved to her Sunnyside home at Cooranbong, where much of The Desire of Ages was written. |
1896 | Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing published. |
1898 | The Desire of Ages published. |
1899-1900 | Encouraged the establishment of Sydney Sanitarium. |
1900 | Christ’s Object Lessons published. |
1900, August | Left Australia and returned to United States. |
1900, October | Settled at Elmshaven. |
1901, April | Attended the General Conference session at Battle Creek. |
1902, February 18 | Battle Creek Sanitarium fire. |
1902, December 30 | Review and Herald fire. |
1903, October | Met the pantheism crisis. |
1904, April-September | Journeyed east to assist in the beginning of the work in Washington, D.C., to visit her son Edson in Nashville, and to attend important meetings. |
1904, November-December | Involved in securing and establishing Paradise Valley Sanitarium. |
1905, May | Attended General Conference session in Washington, D.C. |
1905 | The Ministry of Healing published. |
1905, June-December | Involved in securing and starting Loma Linda Sanitarium. |
1906-1908 | Busy at Elmshaven with literary work. |
1909, April-September | At the age of 81 traveled to Washington, D. C., to attend the General Conference session. This was her last trip east. |
1910, January | Took a prominent part in the establishment of the College of Medical Evangelists at Loma Linda. |
1910 | Gave attention to finishing The Acts of the Apostles and the reissuance of The Great Controversy, a work extending into 1911. |
1911-1915 | With advancing age, made only a few trips to southern California. At Elmshaven engaged in her book work, finishing Prophets and Kings and Counsels to Parents and Teachers. |
1915, February 13 | Fell in her Elmshaven home and broke her hip. |
1915, July 16 | Closed her fruitful life at the age of 87. Her last words were “I know in whom I have believed.” Testimonies, volumes 6-9, were also published in the Elmshaven years. |