〉 Unprofitable Ministry
Unprofitable Ministry
There are in the ministry young men who have been receiving wages from the Conference, yet whose labors bring nothing in, who are only consumers. I have been instructed that this need not be. It would not be if our young ministers were worked by the Spirit of God. (PH139 8.1)
Some of our ministers might better stop and consider. Let them ask themselves how much they have received from the Conference, and how much their labors have been blessed in the conversion of souls. If you are not producers as well as consumers, what is the value of your work? How can the cause of God sustain as workers those who are not sanctified by the truth? Begin at the beginning of this year to consecrate yourselves to God. Wait not. Make an entire surrender. (PH139 8.2)
Should not our ministers study this question? Many of our young ministers, if truly converted, would do much by entering the canvassing field. 9They would there obtain an experience in faith. Their knowledge of the Scriptures would greatly increase, because as they imparted to others the light given them, they would receive more to impart. Let them enter the canvassing fields, and see what they can do in the way of producing. By meeting people and presenting to them our publications, they will gain an experience which they could not gain by simply preaching. As they go from house to house, they can converse with those whom they meet, carrying with them the fragrance of Christ’s life. (PH139 8.3)
The faithful youthful Timothy was taught by experienced men of God’s appointment how to read the Word and how to explain it to others. Paul, his father in the gospel, addressed him in the words, “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (PH139 9.1)