While in Vermont, December 10, 1871, I was shown some things in regard to New York....
(PH078 8.2)
The advancement of the church in ----- in spiritual things, is not in proportion to the light which has shone upon their pathway. God has committed to each talents to be improved by putting them out to the exchangers, that when the Master comes He may receive His own with usury....
(PH078 8.3)
There is more talent in the church, and more material to make good workmen, than can be employed to advantage in that locality. The entire church are not growing in spirituality. They are not favorably situated to develop strength by calling into exercise the talents that God has given them. There is not room for all to work. One gets in the way of another. There is a lack of spiritual strength....
(PH078 8.4)
If the talent and influence of several of its members should be exercised in other churches, where they would be drawn out to help where help is really needed, they would be obtaining an experience of the highest value in spiritual things, and by thus bearing responsibilities and burdens in the work of God, would be a blessing to others. While engaged in helping others, they would be following the example of Christ. He came not to be ministered unto, but to ministers to others. He pleased not Himself. He made Himself of no reputation, but took upon Himself the form of a servant, and spent His life in doing good. He could have spent His days on earth in ease and plenty, and have appropriated to Himself the enjoyments of this life. But He lived not to enjoy, He lived to do good and to save others from suffering, and His example is for us to follow....
(PH078 9.1)
God calls for missionaries. There are men of ability in the church at -----, who will grow in capacity and power as they exercise their talents in the work and cause of God. If these brethren will educate themselves to make the cause of God their first interest, and will sacrifice their pleasure and inclination for the truth’s sake, the blessing of God will rest upon them. These brethren, who love the truth, and who have been for years rejoicing because of increasing light upon the Scriptures, should let their light shine forth to those who are in darkness. God will be to them wisdom and power, and will glorify Himself in working with and by those who wholly follow Him. “If any man serve Me, him will My Father honor.” The wisdom and power of God will be given to the willing and faithful.
(PH078 9.2)
The brethren in ----- have been willing to give of their means for the various enterprises, but they have withheld themselves. They have not said, Here am I, Lord; send me. It is not the strength of human instruments, but the power and wisdom of Him who employs them and works with them, that makes men successful in doing the work that is necessary to be done. By offering our goods to the Possessor of heaven and earth while we withhold ourselves, we cannot meet His approbation nor secure His blessing. There must be in the hearts of the brethren and sisters in ----- a principle to lay all, even themselves, upon the altar of God....
(PH078 10.1)
We wish that all the Lord’s servants were laborers. The work of warning souls should not be confined to ministers alone, but brethren who have the truth in their hearts, and who have exerted a good influence at home, should feel that a responsibility rests upon them to devote a part of their time to going out among their neighbors and into adjoining towns to be missionaries for God. They should carry our publications, [This was written and published in the year when, in harmony with a resolution passed at the tenth annual session of the General Conference, plans were perfected for “the formation of tract and missionary societies” in the various state conferences. See year book for 1905, p. 171.] and engage in conversation, and, in the spirit of Christ, pray with and for those whom they visit. This is the work that will arouse a spirit of investigation and reformation....
(PH078 10.2)
There is work for every one in the vineyard of the Lord. None should be idle. Angels of God are all astir, ascending to heaven, and descending to earth again with messages of mercy and warning. 11These heavenly messengers are moving upon minds and hearts. There are men and women everywhere whose hearts are susceptible of being inspired with the truth. If those who have a knowledge of the truth would now work in unison with the Spirit of God, we would see a great work accomplished.
(PH078 10.3)
New fields are open in which all can test their calling by experimental effort in bringing souls out from darkness and error, and establishing them upon the platform of eternal truth.... The work of fitting a people in these last days for the coming of Christ, is a most sacred, solemn work, and calls for devoted, unselfish laborers. Those who have humility, faith, energy, perseverance, and decision, will find plenty to do in their Master’s vineyard. There are responsible duties to be performed, which require earnestness and the exertion of all their energies. It is willing service that God accepts. If the truth we profess is of such infinite importance as to decide the destiny of souls, how careful should we be in its presentation. [Testimonies for the Church 3:48, 53, 54 56, 57, 51, 64 (first published in 1872).]
(PH078 11.1)