On my way to Washington I had some experience in going not only to the highways, but also to the 77hedges. I saw something of the work that is being done in the mission schools near Nashville. Little companies of workers are going out into the mountains and laboring for those who have not heard the message, and here and there little companies of believers are being raised up. Who would dare to put their hand on such workers and say, You must not labor thus; it costs too much? Can it compare with the sacrifice that Christ made in order to save perishing souls? My brethren and sisters, I ask you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth to take your light from under the bushel, and let it shine forth that others may be profited. [From an address at the General Conference of 1909, published in The General Conference Bulletin, May 17, 1909.]
(PH078 76.3)