Advertise and Publish
We must take every justifiable means of bringing the light of truth before the people. The press must be utilized, and every advertising medium employed that will call attention to our work. Let not this be regarded as unessential. On every corner you may see placards and notices calling the minds of the people to various things that are going on, some of them of the most objectionable nature; and shall those who have the light of life fail to place it where men can have access to it? Shall we hide the light under a bushel? To as great an extent as possible let the important discourses given at our camp-meetings be published in the papers; for in this way precious light may be shed on the pathway of many who sit in darkness. (PH089 20.3)
Many regard us as the unbelieving Jews regarded Paul,—as trying to press our views upon the attention of others. But can we be too 21urgent in bringing the light of life before perishing men? If we have the most solemn truth ever given to the world, why should we not be in earnest? Why should we not use every endeavor to persuade men to lift the cross, to bear the reproach for Christ’s sake, that they may have eternal life? (PH089 20.4)