When we see a young man of promise, we should use our influence to get him into the College. If young men have not any money,— 39young men seldom if ever lay up money,—do not say, “Go and work a year, and then go into the College.” No; but try to help them; present them before the churches; bear a decided testimony, and say, “Brethren, we want you to help these individuals through College.” And all the time you keep your eye on them, just as though you were their guardian.
(PH089 38.2)
There are men that lie in their graves today that ought to be alive; and there are those that are going there; and what is the reason that God does not raise them up to health?—The Lord wants us to learn our lesson; that is, that we cannot use up the vital energies unreasonably, and exhaust them just as though we had to do the work, and there was not any God in heaven, and we are determined to make a success even at the cost of our lives. But I tell you we must believe that God does work, and that we should enlist him in our work. Say to him, “Your word has said it, that you will be with us always. I do not feel that animation I would like to feel, but God has said it; and it will be done;” and then in a straightforward manner give the practical lessons of Christ, for which the people are starving to death.
(PH089 39.1)