In a letter dated December 10, 1905, I read:
(PH095 8.1)
“In regard to the investment of means in a food factory, if you can obtain the money, it is the very thing needful, and I have had this in mind. I was afraid you would let Brother Hanson go, and we would be left in the lurch at Loma Linda. I know he is a man of good sense, and he has a faculty of experimenting on health foods which will be a blessing to the food factory and to the table fare. I would say, improve your present opportunity and select a man to go in with him who can be educated in uniting with him to perfect the work. I would not delay this essential development, for it will be a great blessing to the sanitarium, and not only to it, but to other sanitariums.”
(PH095 8.2)
On December 11, 1905, she wrote again:
(PH095 8.3)
“I have been conversing with you in the night season in regard to some matters that I will write you about. We were conversing with reference to Brother Hanson and his manufacturing health foods. We were conversing with regard to erecting a store, and One of authority 9who was in our midst, speaking to several present, suggested the propriety of erecting such a building at a distance from the main building and all other buildings that are now standing there, so that there will be no danger to them from fire. He suggested that changes would have to be made after thorough study, and that the buildings should be placed where the wind would not carry the smoke or sparks to the main building.” ...
(PH095 8.4)
“Before closing my letter, I will finish what I intended to say about the building of the food factory. This work requires much wisdom and genuine good sense. If you can bring it about, do so. Make the best possible use of ‘Ministry of Healing’ to aid you in your work. I believe that you can accomplish that which seems to be a necessity.”
(PH095 9.1)
May 17, 1906.
(PH095 9)
“I have an apology to make in not sending you sooner this letter regarding a bakery at Loma Linda. I must write you words of counsel.
(PH095 9.2)