“Now I am certain that great care should be taken in purchasing electrical instruments and costly mechanical fixtures. Move slowly, Brother Burden, and do not trust to men who suppose that they understand what is essential, and who launch out in spending money for many things that require experts to handle them.
(PH095 19.2)
“Several times I have been instructed that much of the elaborate, costly machinery used in giving treatments, did not help in the work as much as is supposed. With it we do not get so good results as with the simple appliances we used in our earlier experiences. The application of water in various simple ways is a great blessing.
(PH095 19.3)
“I have been instructed that the X-ray is not the great blessing that some suppose it to be. If used unwisely it may do much harm. The results of some of the electrical treatments are similar to the results of using stimulants. There is a weakness that follows.
(PH095 19.4)
“I shall have more to say about these matters later, but I wish now to say that all patients should keep out of doors as much as possible, and 20many will be benefited by sleeping in the open air.
(PH095 19.5)