“I am very anxious that Brethren ----- and their associates shall see all things clearly. God has given to every man a certain work to do, and He will give to each wisdom necessary to perform His own appointed work.” ...
(PH095 21.1)
“Be very careful not to do anything that would restrict the work at Loma Linda. It is in the order of God that this property has been secured, and He has given instructions that a school should be connected with the Sanitarium. A special work is to be done there in qualifying young men and young women to be efficient medical missionary workers. They are to be taught how to treat the sick without the use of drugs. Such an education requires an experience in practical work.
(PH095 21.2)
“The work at Loma Linda demands immediate consideration. Preparations must be made for the school to be opened as soon as possible. Our young men and young women are to find in Loma Linda a school where they can receive a medical 22missionary training, and where they will not be brought under the influence of some who are seeking to undermine the truth. The students are to unite faithfully in the medical work, keeping their physical powers in the most perfect condition possible, and laboring under the instruction of the great medical Missionary. The healing of the sick and the ministry of the Word are to go hand in hand.
(PH095 21.3)
“There is to be a thorough education in Bible truth. The Word of God is spirit and life. We need constantly to look to Jesus. The efficiency of every worker is largely determined by the education and training he receives. In your educational institutions there is to be a higher class of education than can be found elsewhere. The students are to be treated kindly, tenderly and interestedly.
(PH095 22.1)