“‘I wish I could set before the medical student the true responsibility which rests upon him in his work. There is not one in one hundred who has a just sense of his position, his work, his accountability to God, and how much God will do for him if he will make Him his trust. The very first lesson that he should learn is dependence upon God. Make God your counselor at every step. The worldly and the nominal Christian may insinuate that in order for you to be successful you must be a policy man, you must at times depart from the strictest rectitude; but be not deceived, be not deluded.... Throw not open a door for the enemy to take possession of the citadel of the soul.
(PH095 27.2)
“‘Like Enoch, the physician should be a man that walks with God. This will be to him an 28antidote to all the delusive, pernicious sentiments which make so many infidel physicians, or skeptics. The true antidote is truth, the truth of God revealed in His Word, practiced in the life, and constantly guiding in all that concerns the interests of others. Having the soul thus barricaded with heavenly principles you may humbly yet confidently say, I will not fear the face of man. God is not unmindful of your struggles, of your conflicts to maintain the truth and obtain a personal daily experience in walking in the ways of truth. When you appreciate every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, as revealed in His Word, higher than worldly policy, you will be guided into every good and holy way.’ ...
(PH095 27.3)