“‘The one book that is essential for all to study is the Bible. Studied with reverence and Godly fear, it is the greatest of all educators. In it there is no sophistry. Its pages are filled with truth. Would you gain a knowledge of God 42and Christ. Whom He sent into the world to live and die for sinners? An earnest, diligent study of the Bible is necessary in order to gain this knowledge.
(PH095 41.3)
“‘Many of the books piled up in the great libraries of earth, confuse the mind more than they aid the understanding. Yet men spend large sums of money in the purchase of such books, and years in their study, when they have within their reach a book containing the Words of Him who is the Alpha and Omega of wisdom. The time spent in a study of these books might better be spent in gaining a knowledge of Him Whom to know aright is life eternal. Those only who gain this knowledge will at last hear the words, “Ye are complete in Him.”
(PH095 42.1)