The Proceeds from “Christ’s Object Lessons” to be Used for Emmanuel Missionary College
“I have something to write in regard to the school interest. ‘Christ’s Object Lessons,’ in accordance with the Lord’s instructions, was donated to our schools for the special purpose of releasing them from debt. And this gave the Review & Herald Publishing Co. opportunity to do a generous work in behalf of the Battle Creek school. If the work of selling ‘Christ’s Object Lessons’ had not been taken up, there would scarcely have been a hope that the debt of the Battle Creek College to the Review office would ever have been paid. From the light given me by the Lord, I know that he will be displeased if the Review & Herald Publishing Co. is in any way exacting with those trying to release our schools from debt. As those in the Review & Herald Publishing Co., see our brethren struggling to free the schools from debt, they are to co-operate with them. Those who have charge of this work have carried a heavy burden.”
(PH158 5.1)
“The Review & Herald Pub. Co., have profited by the work which has been done 6to raise the debt on the Battle Creek school. Let those in the Review & Herald remember that their brethren, who have labored so earnestly in behalf of the school, deserve the favors God designs them to have as they seek to establish the school in a more favorable locality. Let not those in the Review & Herald office think that they will do God service by binding about the school interests. God saw that his servants were sacrificing and trying to raise money to free the school from debt.”
(PH158 5.2)
“The Lord has devised a plan whereby the Battle Creek school may be released from debt, and established in a more favorable location. I hear that there is some thought of locating the school at Berrien Springs, in the southwest of Michigan. I am much pleased with the description of this place. The one hundred and twelve acres of unimproved land will be a great blessing to the school in many ways; also the forty acres of woodland. It will be a great blessing to have cheap water transportation. And the offer of buildings is of great value. The good hand of the Lord appears to be in this opening, and I hope and pray that if this is the place for the school, no hand will be stretched out to prevent the matter from reaching a successful issue. In such a place as Berrien Springs the school can be made an object lesson, and I hope that no one will interpose to prevent the carrying forward of this work.”—Unpublished Testimonies relative to the school at Berrien Springs.
(PH158 6.1)