[Request of J. H. Smuts for Seminary Thesis.]
(1MR 101)
The men who have lately apostatized say that the Sabbath does not amount to much. It makes no difference whether we keep it, or do not keep it. They say they are preaching sanctification, but where does their sanctification come in? They began the work of disaffection by their criticism. Here is where they fell, and here is where many will fall. To complain of our brethren in the ministry, to be suspicious of the gifts the Lord has set in the church, to always be finding spot and stain in something said or done is to follow the enemy. If one chooses to obtain this class of education, Satan will help him in a masterly manner. After the criticizers tell all that appears to them to be out of joint, they go into the manufacturing business, and commence to weave webs of falsehood. They abuse the confidence that has been reposed in them, and strive to destroy the reputation of the very ones that have ever been their truest friends. Letter 126, 1897, p. 5. (To Brother and Sister John Wessels, May 18, 1897.)
(1MR 101.1)
The great apostasy originally began in a denial of the love of God, as it is plainly revealed in the Word. Letter 172, 1907, p. 2. (To Professor P. T. Magan, May 15, 1907.)
(1MR 101.2)
Many souls have been presented before me as being tempted by Satan to deny the faith. Fired by an unsanctified, unholy zeal, they will lead others in strange paths, and under their leadership many will become entangled in the specious snares of the enemy. Letter 234, 1906, p. 5. (To Brother Sadler 102July 9, 1906.)
(1MR 101.3)
When the test and trial comes to every soul, there will be apostasies. Traitors, heady, highminded, and self-sufficient men will turn away from the truth, making shipwreck of the faith. Why?—Because they did not dig deep and make their foundation sure.—Manuscript 68, 1897, 8. (To Melbourne Teachers, June 21, 1897.)
(1MR 102.1)
We shall in the future as we have in the past, see all kinds of characters developed. We shall witness the apostasy of men in whom we have had confidence, in whom we trusted, who, we supposed were as true as steel to principle. Something comes to test them, and they are overthrown. If such men fall, some say, “Who can we trust?” This is the temptation Satan brings to destroy the confidence of those who are striving to walk in the narrow way. Those who fall have evidently corrupted their way before the Lord, and they are beacons of warning, teaching those who profess to believe the truth that the Word of God alone can keep men steadfast in the way of holiness, or reclaim them from guilt.—Manuscript 154, 1898, 3, 4. (“The Pearl of Great Price,” November 22, 1898.)
(1MR 102.2)
Faith in God and a love for souls gives men a genuine motive for faithfulness. It leads them to work faithfully, that others may not be ruined by the example of unbelief which has ruined so many souls. Some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Why? Because they failed to work diligently.—Manuscript 42, 1901, 6. (“Revealing the Christlikeness,” June 2, 1901.)
(1MR 102.3)
One thing is certain: those Seventh-day Adventists who take their stand under Satan’s banner will first give up their faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God’s Spirit. Letter 156, 1903, p. 2. (To 103Brother Magan, July 27, 1903.)
(1MR 102.4)
Some who in times past have been honored of God, have become ensnared by the deceptions of the enemy. They have been warned of their danger, but in refusing to hear the warnings sent them, they have become more and more deceived, until finally they are found fighting against the Lord and against His workers. Letter 289, 1905, p. 1. (To My Brethren in the Ministry, September 13, 1905.)
(1MR 103.1)