MR No. 148—Have Courage in Christ, and Give Thanks
[These unpublished items are requested by Mrs. Alta Robinson, an employee of the White Estate, to be used with other E. G. White statements from published sources and worked into a Senior MV Thanksgiving program for November, 1963. Emphasis is placed on things Mrs. White had to be thankful for.—A. L. White.]
(2MR 248)
We will not have a murmuring thought because we have trials. God’s dear children always had them, and every trial well endured here will only make us rich in glory....
(2MR 248.1)
James is very busy correcting proof sheet. Sister Annie Smith is assisting him, and that gives me a little time to write. I have written this evening after the Sabbath by candlelight, with aching eyes, so you must excuse poor writing. Be of good courage. Do not let anything sink you down and discourage you. Remember we are almost home.—Letter 9, 1851, pp. 1, 3. (To Brother and Sister Dodge, December 21, 1851.)
(2MR 248.2)
If there is anyone who enjoys real happiness, even in this life, it is the faithful Christian. We will rejoice in Jesus Christ. We will live in the light of His countenance.—Letter 18, 1859, p. 3. (To Dr. N., April 14, 1859.)
(2MR 248.3)
Dear Husband: I find my hand trembles this morning, but will do the best I can in writing. I am gaining slowly....
(2MR 248.4)
I have now commenced to pray in the family myself and feel grateful for the privilege of kneeling once more with my family....
(2MR 248.5)
It seems lonesome here, sometimes. If you could be here to lift me in and out of a wagon, I should ride out and should gain faster. Cannot walk but a few steps yet, but can see I gain some.
(2MR 248.6)
We shall try to live for the glory of God. Do not feel anxious for us. We do not forget to pray for you.... I feel grateful to God that He has spared my life to again take my place in the family, but your place at the dining room table is vacant.—Letter 12a, 1860, pp. 1, 2. (To James White, Oct., 1860.)
(2MR 249.1)
I thought it might not do the boys any harm to have a little excursion in the country, and I could visit a little and while away the time in your absence. Willie enjoyed himself well. Was sorry it was time to come home. The boys played with Eli and worked a little and hunted a little. It was a great treat for them....
(2MR 249.2)
Dear husband, the time of your absence is nearly ended. One week more brings you home. We shall all be rejoiced to see you home again. All is well as usual in Battle Creek, as far as I know.
(2MR 249.3)
I feel very thankful to the Lord for giving you such good health, and I am almost well again, but not strong....
(2MR 249.4)
The boys are all abed, the fourth one in his crib.... I must close. We do not forget to pray for you.—Letter 14, 1860, pp. 2, 3. (To James White, November 19, 1860.)
(2MR 249.5)
He just went to sleep; no pain, no suffering, just as pleasant as a child he breathed his last. Oh, how thankful I was that I was not compelled to see him tortured with agony and have this distressing picture before me day and night....
(2MR 249.6)
He looked from the first as though he had lain down to sleep like a tired warrior....
(2MR 249.7)
I will not give myself to abandonment of grief.... I will not complain or murmur at the providence of God. Jesus is my Saviour. He lives. He will never leave me nor forsake me....
(2MR 250.1)
I feel grateful to God that I was not left to look for my consolation in the friendship of the world. Rely upon human sympathy! No, no.... Even the valley of the shadow of death was lighted by the presence of my Saviour.—Letter 9, 1881, pp. 1-5. (To “Dear Brother and Sister,” October 20, 1881.)
(2MR 250.2)
I feel so grateful to my heavenly Father that He has given us so precious evidences of His willingness to bless and impart to us wisdom.—Letter 14, 1881, p. 2. (To Uriah Smith, c. 1881.)
(2MR 250.3)
I am so thankful little Ella [her first granddaughter, one year old] is as well as she is. Dear little one. May the Lord bless her and keep her in health.—Letter 5, 1882, p. 2. (To “Dear Children,” April 3, 1882.)
(2MR 250.4)
We are doing well as could be expected. I slept well last night and am feeling better this morning. My cough is rather hard but I am thankful that I am no worse than I am.—Letter 14, 1882, p. 1. (To Elder and Mrs. W. C. White, May 22, 1882.)
(2MR 250.5)
We arrived here [Massachusetts] at half past eight Wednesday night. This part of the journey was more trying and wearisome to us than the long journey from California. It was very dusty and the cars were much crowded and it was very warm. But I felt of good courage.... I felt thankful for peace of mind and communion with my Saviour on the entire journey. Under His guardianship I 251knew I was safe and had no reason for complaint.—Letter 24, 1883, p. 1. (To Elder and Mrs. W. C. White, August23, 1883.)
(2MR 250.6)
I am thankful for the health and strength the Lord has given me.... I have spoken sixteen times.... Pray for me. I cling to the Lord all the time.—Letter 27, 1883, p. 2. (To Elder and Mrs. W. C. White, September 4, 1883.)
(2MR 251.1)
The Lord is very good to us. Thus far, we have been favored with much fruit from our orchard.... The prune trees are loaded, and we have had to buy large quantities of rope to tie up the branches so that they would not break under their burden....
(2MR 251.2)
I feel very grateful to my heavenly Father for His goodness and His rich grace....
(2MR 251.3)
I was sitting in my room on Sabbath morning, thinking about the perplexities of the work, and wondering, What shall I do? when a little bird hopped onto the windowsill, and poured forth such a flood of song as set my heart free for a time. I believe that the bird was God’s messenger to me. I am determined to put my trust in the Lord. I thank Him that I have been so wonderfully sustained. I want to do much more work for Him before I lay off my armor.—Letter 108, 1902, pp. 1, 2, 11. (To Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Faulkhead, July 14, 1902.)
(2MR 251.4)
I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me back my voice. I have been able to speak with freedom while at the camp meeting.... I am so grateful for the peace and comfort and love that every day I find in the Lord.—Letter 145, 1902, p. 6. (To Elder and Mrs. J. A. Burden, September 21, 1902.)
(2MR 251.5)
The Lord has wonderfully sustained me. Last Sabbath, before going to the meeting, a weakness came over me, and I felt fearful. But the moment that I stood on my feet before the people, I felt that the everlasting arms were beneath me.... Everyone in the tent heard me, though I did not put forth the least effort to make them hear.
(2MR 252.1)
For a time after my last severe illness I feared that I should never be able to use my voice again. I tried to pray at family worship, but after I had uttered a word or two, no sound would come. My voice was gone. For a long time I had to keep silent; but the Lord has restored my voice to me, and I cannot be grateful enough to Him for this mercy. I am so thankful. I know that I have a testimony to bear, and I thank God that I can still be His witness.—Letter 150, 1902, pp. 1, 2. (To C. W. Irwin, September 22, 1902.)
(2MR 252.2)
I had entirely forgotten that yesterday was my birthday, until I had returned from my ride just before dinner. Then I found that Sister King.... invited to dinner, May White and her children, and Ella May and Dores Robinson. I had been so busy that I had not thought of its being my birthday, and I was, as Brother Starr used to say, “plumb surprised” to find such a large gathering, and two tables set in our dining room.
(2MR 252.3)
We partook of a nicely prepared meal, after which we went into the parlor, and engaged in a season of prayer and sang a few hymns. The Lord came graciously near to us as we offered up hearty thanksgiving to God for His goodness and mercy to us all....
(2MR 252.4)
Sister Ings sent down a beautiful bouquet from the Sanitarium, and someone else sent flowers from St. Helena. Sister King presented me with a small silverplated water pitcher, just such a one as I had been 253thinking of purchasing. I was glad that there were not more presents, for when I receive so many things I feel that I must do something in return....
(2MR 252.5)
Last night.... I awoke once or twice in the night but did not get up till four o’clock. This was another victory gained in sleeping, for the previous night I had slept nearly eight hours. For this I feel very grateful to my heavenly Father.—Letter 321, 1905, pp. 1, 2, 6. (To Elder and Mrs. J. E. White, November 27, 1905.)
(2MR 253.1)
One thing I do desire is that as long as I have the breath of my life my mental powers may be preserved. I am very thankful that my mind is as clear as it is, and that I can help as I do in the work that is being done.
(2MR 253.2)
When I consider how weak I was in my younger days, I feel that at my age I have great reason to be thankful to the Lord for His goodness, His mercy, and His love. Since the accident that happened to me when I was nine years old, I have seldom been perfectly free from all pain. But I do not remember when I have been more free from pain than I am at present....
(2MR 253.3)
I trust in Jesus Christ as my Redeemer, my Saviour, and through Him I shall be an overcomer.—Manuscript 142, 1905, 1, 2. (“Words of Thanksgiving,” November 26, 1905.)
(2MR 253.4)
I have reason to be very thankful to God that He graciously spared my life to act a part in the important meetings in Oakland and San Francisco. I thank Him that He gave me strength and freedom. Although infirmities have been upon me, I have been sustained and greatly blessed. The great Physician has been my Helper, and to His name be the glory.
(2MR 253.5)
In my eightieth year, I can go up and down stairs as easily as any of my workers. I build my own fires in the morning, lifting the heavy pieces of wood myself....
(2MR 254.1)
I have never enjoyed a winter so free from pain. I praise the Lord with heart and soul and voice for His wonderful keeping power. Verily, the good hand of my God has been upon me.
(2MR 254.2)
That which I appreciate above every other thing is the freedom which is given me in writing and speaking.—Letter 102, 1907, p. 1. (To Elder and Mrs. S. N. Haskell, March 17, 1907.)
(2MR 254.3)
I feel more thankful than I can express for the interest my workers have taken in the preparation of this book [Acts of the Apostles].... The Lord has been good to me in sending me intelligent, understanding workers....
(2MR 254.4)
I am very thankful that the Lord has given me the privilege of being His messenger to communicate precious truth to others.—Letter 80, 1911, pp. 1, 2. (To S. N. Haskell, October 6, 1911.)
(2MR 254.5)
Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.—Letter 7, 1913, p. 1. (To Those Assembled in General Conference, May 4, 1913.)
(2MR 254.6)
I am more than pleased to be able to write to you, and I am thankful that you have so good a place as a home.... I must tell you that I am of good courage....
(2MR 254.7)
I have a great desire to bring before the people the instruction that the Lord has given me for them. I thank Him that He has placed in connection with me workers whom I can trust and who can help me.—Letter 11, 1913, pp. 1, 3. (To Elder and Mrs. J. E. White, August28, 1913.)
(2MR 254.8)
As I have written you before, I am very well situated here. Our house is comfortable, and the climate is good. We have water of the best quality, which comes from a good spring on the hillside.
(2MR 255.1)
I am fairly well healthwise, not suffering much pain. But I realize that old age is reminding me that I am mortal.... I am trying to finish my work with joy and not with grief. I have not lost my courage. The Lord is my helper, and day by day He sustains and blesses me. My hope and trust are in Him....
(2MR 255.2)
This morning I had an interview with several ministers who have been long in the work.... I thank [the Lord] that they appreciated the words spoken.
(2MR 255.3)
December 12—I have just picked up this unfinished letter and will add a little, and then send it to you. I am still doing well healthwise. We are having a great blessing in the plenteous rain that has been falling at intervals for about a month. This rain was greatly needed. Today the sky is cloudy, but the sun breaks through now and then and gives us good greeting.—Letter 13, 1913, pp. 1, 2. (To Elder and Mrs. J. E. White, December 4, 1913.)
(2MR 255.4)