The school should have buildings to provide for such cases, and sufficient funds should be raised to put up suitable buildings on the grounds purchased for the school. If it is decided that this would not be wise, let the home be put up in another district. We must take hold of these things as soon as possible.—Manuscript 151, 1898, 22. (“Notes of Camp Meeting”—2. Typed November 2, 1898.)
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The light given me of God has been clear and distinct. Every church has its own burdens to bear. Through circumstances some will become poor. It may be they were not careful, that they did not know how to manage. Others through sickness or misfortune are poor. Whatever is the reason they are in need, and to help them is an important line of home missionary work. These unfortunate, needy ones should not be sent away from home to be cared for. Let each church feel her responsibility to have a special interest in the feeble and the aged. One or two among them can certainly be taken care of. The tithe should not be appropriated for this work. The word of God has specified how the tithe should be used. Both rich and poor are stewards to bring a faithful tithe into the treasury, according to their several ability. To everyone the Lord has given his work, proportioned to the ability of each. The churches are not to lay their personal cares upon others. This is not right.—Manuscript 43, 1900, 10. (“Fragments B. The Prophet, Enoch.” Typed, August 2, 1900.)
(3MR 218.2)