There is need of a lady physician’s connecting with the institution at once. The experience that we have had during the past few days has decided us to secure a capable lady physician, who can care for the women patients and be matron of the home, that the patients may receive prompt attention, and that the helpers may be given the right kind of instruction, such as you can give. The young ladies connected with the institution should be taught to act their part intelligently....
(7MR 335.1)
An expensive building has been rented in Iowa Circle, Washington. It is a beautiful location for a sanitarium, and has been fitted up for the giving of treatment, but it needs a house physician and a manager. We need you. We believe that you can help us in Washington. You can give the nurses instruction that they need, and can also give lectures in the parlor to the patients. Will you receive this invitation as prompted by the Lord; for I have an assurance that you can do the work essential. Brother Hare is an excellent physician, but not a manager. We need someone who can plan and manage. You can help us out of our difficulty. Washington is a most important place, and a right representation of our work must be given by the sanitarium.—Letter 177, 1905, pp. 1, 2. (To Dr. Patience Bourdeau, June 8, 1905.)
(7MR 335.2)