W. C. White has his house well filled at present. Nora and Margaret, the sisters of May White, are with them, and the husband of Margaret, Mr. E. F. Forga, from Peru. Brother Forga is studying the English language. We think he will be able to translate my writings into the Spanish [language], for he is an educated man, and one who fears God. We believe that it is in the providence of God that he has been brought into connection with the work here.—Letter 140, 1907, p. 2. (To J. E. and Emma White, April 8, 1907.)
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For a while we had working with us Brother Forga, a Spanish gentleman who married May White’s sister. He was working on the translation of my writings into Spanish. He is now working in Mountain View along the same lines. His wife is studying the Spanish language, and helping her husband.
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Now I have given you quite a little sketch of my family and workers. We are not always so few in number as at present. Last summer Elder [George W.] Caviness was with us for several months, engaged with Mr. Forga in Spanish translations. For ten years Brother Caviness has been laboring in Mexico, and was to return there to his family when his work here was finished. We were glad for the privilege of having him with us.—Letter 356, 1908, p. 3. (To Marion Stowell-Crawford, December 13, 1908.)
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