This work is not to be despised because the children are colored. Because they are colored, and because they are fatherless and motherless, they are to be brought up with kindness which is revealed in words and actions. There should be no scolding, no extravagant display; none should be treated with indifference, but all should be given respectful treatment, and this will win respectful attention and obedience from them in return.
(8MR 129.1)
These children are the purchase of the blood of Christ. Their color is something that they cannot change; but the Lord will cooperate to change the character, if we will work in harmony with Him who gave His life to secure the pardon of every sinner of every land and of different colors.—Letter 40, 1909, p. 2. (To “Those in Charge of the Colored Orphanage Enterprise,” February 16, 1909.)
(8MR 129.2)
An orphanage is greatly needed by the colored believers in the South. We have decided that this orphanage must be established. But in order for this to be done, money must be raised. There is one father in the South who says that he will give one hundred dollars toward the establishment of this institution. This is a large gift for a poor man to make. An effort must now be made to secure means for an orphan asylum. Its establishment has long been talked of, but it takes more than words to build an institution and put it in running order.—Letter 313, 1904, pp. 1, 2. (To “Dear Brethren and Sisters,” November 2, 1894.)
(8MR 129.3)
A beginning has been made on an orphanage for colored children, but this work stands unfinished. On the beautiful farm of over three hundred acres, God purposes that an efficient missionary training school shall be conducted, which will develop many workers for the colored people.—Letter 205, 1905, p. 6. (To I. H. Evans and J. S. Washburn, July 19, 1905.)
(8MR 130.1)
The Huntsville school greatly needs better facilities for its work. The preparation of the buildings does not correspond with the work that the Lord has outlined to be done by this school. An orphanage for the care of colored children is needed there, and humble, but neat cottages should be put up to accommodate those who desire to bring their children to the church school. Improvements should be made on the school buildings, and in this there should be no delay.—Manuscript 146, 1905, 5. (“The Work in and About Nashville,” July 25, 1905.)
(8MR 130.2)