The world is full of speculation and false theories regarding the nature and character of God. The enemy of our souls is earnestly at work to introduce among the Lord’s people pleasing speculation, and incorrect views regarding the personality of God....
(8MR 304.1)
I have seen the results of these fanciful views of God, in apostasy, spiritualism, freelovism. The free love tendencies of these teachings were so concealed that it was difficult to present them in their real character....
(8MR 304.2)
There is a strain of spiritualism coming in among our people, and it will undermine the faith of those who give place to it, leading them to give heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.—Letter 230, 1903, pp. 1, 3, 5. (To Dr. E. J. Waggoner, October 2, 1903.)
(8MR 304.3)