I told Brother Bell he must do his work, which was to teach. That he must not stand to pick up every little flaw and mark every misdemeanor, but he could do much by talking kindly to the school, laying down the principles of action. He must maintain his position as a dignified teacher—not that dignity that will not heed the counsels of others, but that kindness, that courtesy that will win his way into the hearts of his students.
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He might put on a dignity and claim a dignity which would fail of securing respect, but which would disgust. The true dignity would be to go about his work as teacher and leave the little items of business for others to attend to, and by a well-ordered deportment show a moral power that holds him above the changeable emotions of anger, impatience, and criticism. Brother Bell is receiving all I say to him and he says he will act upon it, with the help of God.—Letter 24, 1883, pp. 2, 3. (Written August 23, 1883, to Willie and Mary White.)
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