We have a work to do if we would be a living church. Individually and as a whole we are to tread sin under our feet. Our habits, our conversations, our daily life, must be placed on the Lord’s side. We must intercede and wrestle with a covenant-keeping God in behalf of His watchmen, that souls may be won to the Saviour.
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How many there are who need to become fools in their own estimation in order that they may be wise. God bestows on the humble and contrite one a wisdom that He does not give to the worldly-wise and prudent, those who are so self-sufficient that they know not the things that make for their peace. He reveals His wisdom to babes. He lays in the dust all human pride, but He recognizes the meek and the lowly, and exalts them with a true exaltation. How tenderly God regards the humble, contrite, self-denying follower of Christ, who is a daily learner in the school of the great Teacher.
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Elder Olsen, I urge you to be of good courage. Have confidence in God. Carry every burden to Him. He can and will make you efficient, but you must have faith. Do not be depressed, do not mourn in secret because of the unfaithfulness of the watchmen on the walls of Zion. There is no call for despondency and misapprehension. Place yourself where the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness can shine into all the chambers of your mind and into the soul-temple. We are the light of the world, God says. He will make those who are faithful in the church radiant with the word of God. 103His Spirit will be communicated to human instrumentalities, giving them light before which moral darkness must flee away.—Letter 43, 1890. (To O. A. Olsen, December 15, 1890.)
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We need far less talking and very much more praying in living faith; less, a great deal less of self, and more firm trust and confidence in God.—Letter 19a, 1892. (To O. A. Olsen, April 12, 1892.)
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