No Time to be Negligent—May the Lord impart to us His own light. The doctrine of a wonderful experience of holiness and sanctification that has been taught in Battle Creek and other places has been as leaven put into meal. I fear greatly for the results of this fanaticism. The experiences we passed through in the early days of the message have always led me to feel, when I see men professing to occupy a high platform of righteousness, that something will follow of which we should be ashamed, something that will work harm.
(12MR 112.1)
We certainly need clear spiritual eyesight. When I hear of theories being presented relating to my Father and my God, I am afraid lest the Lord shall be presented by finite man in a manner to belittle and dishonor Him....
(12MR 112.2)
We are on the earth as combatants. This is not time or place for us to be negligent, indifferent, or careless. We have a heaven to win and a hell to shun. There is frequently presented to me a scene of conflict and of determined opposition. How can it be otherwise when we are in an enemy’s country?—Letter 43, 1904. (To G. I. Butler, December 14, 1903.)
(12MR 112.3)