MR No. 987—Definitions of Righteousness and Iniquity
In Hebrews it is stated of Christ that He was exalted above His associates because He loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Righteousness is simply loving and doing that which is just and right to every soul with whom we have to do. Iniquity means perverting the right. Crooked practices, selfish plans, are instituted, that self and certain ones may be benefited while, in order to secure these ends, others are oppressed. All this is robbery toward God and toward man. True principles are forsaken; things are twisted out of God’s line in order to gratify selfishness. Wrong means turning things out of the straight lines in which God designs they should go. Fraud is a transgression of God’s commandments, and all who profess to be Christians and do not obey the commandments of God, misrepresent the character of Jesus. Those who believe the truth for this time will practice it voluntarily, at any cost to themselves. Sound doctrines will be represented by sound practice.—Letter 31a, 1894, pp. 10, 11. (Written from the Ashfield campground, New South Wales, October 27, 1894, to A. R. Henry, Battle Creek, Michigan.)
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