MR No. 1089—Choose Counselors Who Are Guided by the Holy Spirit
(Written July 2, 1901, to R. M. Kilgore, from St. Helena, California.)
(14MR 50)
You are represented to me as walking in mist and fog, your arm linked in the arm of Brother Y. I can write only a few words today, but I wish to say that unless you are freed from the influence of Brother Y, you will voice his sentiments, to the injury of the cause of God. You are not to accept his ideas, for he is not being educated by the Holy Spirit. Why do you allow your mind to be confused by those who are not walking in the light? Why do you not do as the Lord has signified you should do—stand by the work in the South?
(14MR 50.1)
I might say much more, but have not the strength today. You are already confused by men whose counsel is erratic. If you will come out from these men and be separate, you will be in a much better position to advance the work. There is no safety in following the counsel of men who are not vivified by the Holy Spirit, but must be reformed, else they will be weighed in the balances of the sanctuary, and found wanting.
(14MR 50.2)
You were represented to me as entering a path, arm in arm with Brother Y. A hand was laid on your shoulder, and the words were spoken, “I am at your right hand to help you to walk with God, that you may not be led into uncertain paths by the speech of men.”
(14MR 50.3)
My brother, hinder not the work of God. The Lord specially honored you by indicating that you should be president of the Southern Conference. But Brother Y was not selected to guide you. His influence upon you is not sanctifying.
(14MR 51.1)
I have little to say now except that I endorse the movements that have been made by the brethren, and your harmony with the work.
(14MR 51.2)
I am sorry for Brother Y, for he is not daily converted. His spirit of criticism and his desire to have control, to run the work, has been a snare to him. God pity him, for he has not the elements of peace of upbuilding in his soul. He needs to be subdued under the hand of God. He is developing the attributes of unsanctified self. He is not a safe adviser or counselor, for he nearly always sees some course to be pursued opposite to the course his brethren desire to follow; and if he can get anyone to favor his views, he makes it hard for those who are opposed to him. When will those who have had great light, great opportunities, learn to work in harmony with their brethren, not to be always pulling on the wrong side? Why cannot they learn that they manufacture a great many burdens for others to carry?
(14MR 51.3)
I am so glad that Brother Stone has been learning of the Master. I have had great fears for him these many years. I am glad he has placed himself where the Lord can use Him to the glory of His name. My brother, I hope that you will place yourself among the wise, who understand.
(14MR 51.4)
This is all I have strength to write now. If I can, I will write more later. God bless you.—Letter 68, 1901.
(14MR 51.5)