MR No. 1106—An Appeal to Right Wrongs and Let the Holy Spirit Lead
(Written to a church leader, December 31, 1890, from Battle Creek, Michigan.)
(14MR 174)
Where is your preparation to be obtained that you may stand in the day of the Lord? Nowhere but low at the foot of the cross. Oh, it is not too late for wrongs to be righted. Do not confer with flesh and blood. Do not say, There are some things I do not understand. Of course there are. Your mind is clouded, but take one step that you do see, then you can see another. Oh, kindle your taper from the divine altar before it is everlastingly too late! Remove the stumbling blocks at once without any delay. When God helps you you will be helped to see your own weakness and inefficiency and the glory and majesty of Christ.
(14MR 174.1)
The voice of God calls you as it did Elijah. Come out of the cave and stand with God and hear what He will say unto you. When you will come under the divine guidance, the Comforter will lead you into all truth. The office of the Holy Spirit is to take the things of Christ as they fall from His lips, and infuse them as living principles into the hearts opened to receive them. Then we will know both the Father and the Son.—Letter 40, 1890, pp. 10-11.
(14MR 174.2)