MR No. 1214—To the Church in Brother Hastings’ House
(Written from Paris, Maine, November 27, 1850, “To the Church in Brother Hastings’ House.” The Hastings family lived at New Ipswich, New Hampshire, about sixty miles northwest of Boston.)
(16MR 206)
I have neglected writing you for some time. I will now give my reasons. First, I had no time to write for weeks after I received Sister Arabella’s kind and welcome letter, or I should have complied with her request to have answered it within two weeks. I liked the letter very much. We were all interested in the letter and hope my delay will not prevent you from answering this as soon as you read it, and I will not wait so long next time.
(16MR 206.1)
James’ and my health is quite good now. Our home is in Paris, at Brother Andrews’, within a few steps of the post office and printing office. We shall stay here some little time. This is a very kind family, yet quite poor. Everything here is free as far as they have. We do not think it right to be any expense to them while here. I want to see you all very much and dear Sister Gorham.
(16MR 206.2)
Our conference at Topsham was one of deep interest. Twenty-eight were present; all took part in the meeting.
(16MR 206.3)
Sunday the power of God came upon us like a mighty rushing wind. All arose upon their feet and praised God with a loud voice; it was something as it was when the foundation of the house of God was laid. The voice of weeping 207could not be told from the voice of shouting. It was a triumphant time; all were strengthened and refreshed. I never witnessed such a powerful time before.
(16MR 206.4)
Our next conference was in Fairhaven. Brother Bates and wife were present. It was quite a good meeting. On our return to Brother Nichols’, the Lord gave me a vision and showed me that the truth must be made plain upon tables, and it would cause many to decide for the truth by the three angels’ messages, with the two former being made plain upon tables.
(16MR 207.1)
I also saw it was as necessary for the paper to be published as for the messengers to go, for the messengers need a paper to carry with them, containing present truth, to put in the hands of those that hear, and then the truth would not fade from the mind, and that the paper would go where the messengers could not go. Other things I saw which will appear in the paper.
(16MR 207.2)
How do you all get along? Are you all striving for eternal life? I want to see you very, very much and think I shall before long. Now is the preparation time and I hope we shall all make sure work for eternity. Time looks very short and what we do we must do quickly.
(16MR 207.3)
November 20, one week ago, Brother Henry Nichols and self went to Topsham. We had just risen from the dinner table Thursday [November 21], when one of Brother Foey’s children came in and said their mother was insensible. We hastened over the river one mile and found our dear Sister Foey dying. My distress was great as I found she did not know me. She continued long in great distress until between three and four o’clock and then breathed her last. She has left a husband and three children to mourn their loss.
(16MR 207.4)
Friday morning [November 22], Brother Henry came to Paris for James to shave him to attend the funeral. We had a very solemn, interesting time. The Lord did not leave us but let His Spirit rest upon us. Sister Foey’s last days were decidedly her most spiritual and best days. Brother Foey has this to console him, that she died a Christian. He bears up well. God gives him grace to endure the affliction. Oh, how good it is to have a hope in God that will sustain in all scenes of trial and affliction. Praise God for a hope, a good hope. What would you, any of you, give for your hope?
(16MR 208.1)
Hold fast the faith. Be strong in God and lean upon His everlasting arm. It will never fail you but will bear you up under every affliction. I hope you will all grow stronger and stronger in the truth. Do not falter but press your way to the kingdom.
(16MR 208.2)
One week ago, last Sabbath, we had a very interesting meeting. Brother Hewit from Dead River was there. He came with a message to the effect that the destruction of the wicked and the sleep of the dead was an abomination within a shut door that a woman Jezebel, a prophetess had brought in and he believed that I was that woman, Jezebel. We told him of some of his errors in the past, that the 1335 days were ended and numerous errors of his. It had but little effect. His darkness was felt upon the meeting and it dragged.
(16MR 208.3)
I felt that I must say a few words. In the name of Jesus, I got up and in about five minutes the meeting changed. Everyone felt it at the same instant. Every countenance was lighted up. The presence of God filled the place. Brother Hewit dropped upon his knees and began to cry and pray. I was taken off in vision and saw much that I cannot write. It had a great 209effect upon Brother Hewit. He confessed it was of God and was humbled in the dust. He has been writing ever since that meeting, and is now writing from the same table renouncing all his errors that he has advanced. I believe God is bringing him up and he is calculated to do good, if God moves through him.
(16MR 208.4)
Much love to dear Sister Gorham. Tell her to be strong. God is with her and He will not leave her. Much love to you all. I hope the children will not get sleepy, but will be interested in the truth and be diligent to make their calling and election sure. Write, be sure and write, and do not do as I have done. I love you, all of you. Write.—Letter 28, 1850.
(16MR 209.1)