Let us strive with earnestness for the victory over sin. Let us be determined not to give place to the enemy by criticizing, by picking flaws, by demeriting others, and seeking to be first. Let us study the prayer made in our behalf, and work for its fulfillment. Let us keep our eyes fixed upon the perfect Pattern. The only way to avoid dissension and strife is to 35behold Him who came to this world to save sinners. It is for this object that His followers are to work. They are to yoke up with the Saviour, learning of Him His meekness and lowliness. He says to us, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20. How then can there be dissension and strife among us? If we live as in Christ’s presence, there will be no contention. There will be no hesitancy about introducing new plans of action, as the Holy Spirit may move upon some one to suggest them.
(MR311 34.3)
Christ’s presence means advance. He imbues men, women, and children with a sense of individual responsibility. We need to feel the sacred, sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit, that we may hear Christ saying to us, “Follow Me.”“He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)...
(MR311 35.1)
There are many who stand with a stone in their hand, waiting to place it before the wheel. But the Holy Spirit can so convert these hindering ones that they will be prepared to place the stone behind the wheel, so that it will not roll back. Let us each seek to be ready to place the stone in the proper position.—Letter 65, 1900.
(MR311 35.2)