We are to direct the weapons of our warfare against our foes, but never turn them toward those who are under marching orders from the King of kings, 38who are fighting manfully the battles of the Lord of lords. Let no one aim at a soldier whom God recognizes, whom God has sent forth to bear a special message to the world and to do a special work. The soldiers of Christ may not always reveal perfection in their step, but their mistakes should call out from their fellow-comrades not words that will weaken, but words that will strengthen, and will help them to recover their lost ground. They should not turn the glory of God into dishonor, and give an advantage to the bitterest foes of their King.
(MR311 37.3)
Let not fellow-soldiers be severe, unreasonable judges of their comrades, and make the most of every defect. Let them not manifest satanic attributes in becoming accusers of the brethren. We shall find ourselves misrepresented and falsified by the world, while we are maintaining the truth and vindicating God’s down-trodden law; but let no one dishonor the cause of God by making public some mistake that the soldiers of Christ may make, when that mistake is seen and corrected by (the) ones who have taken some false position....
(MR311 38.1)
God will charge those who unwisely expose the mistakes of their brethren with sin of far greater magnitude than He will charge the one who makes a misstep. Criticism and condemnation of the brethren are counted as criticism and condemnation of Christ.—Letter 48, 1894.
(MR311 38.2)