Sunday, April 16, 1876, “On the Cars from Oakland to Brooklyn”, Ellen White to J. White
Dear Husband,
(MR728 13)
I have written quite a number of pages today. Mary is hard after me. She gets so enthusiastic over some subjects. She brings in the manuscript after she has copied to read it to me. She showed me today quite a heavy pile of manuscripts she had prepared. Quite proudly she viewed it....
(MR728 13.3)
Willie, his Mary and Mary Clough accompany me to the city tonight. I think that we had better not get any furniture for [the] new house till you are here to select it....
(MR728 13.4)
I do not wish my mind diverted from my work to even go and select furniture, but I only suggest....
(MR728 13.5)
Oh, how I do long for that social and mysterious connection with Jesus that elevates us above the temporal things of life. It is my anxiety to be right with God, to have His Spirit continually witnessing with me that I am indeed a child of God.
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I shall strive to bring out these matters, so precious, to the acceptance of God.
(MR728 13.7)
Well, I cannot write you very much news, when I shut myself in my chamber day after day writing, and then when I write you every day, but you must be content with what you can get. We now take the boat.—Letter 8, 1876, pp. 1, 2.
(MR728 13.8)