Time Setting Camden, New York June 21, 1851 This manuscript compares to what is published in RH 07/21/1851. See also Annotations.
The Lord showed me that the message must go, and that it must never be hung on time, for time never will be a test again. I saw that some were getting a false excitement arising from preaching time; that the third angel’s message can stand on its own foundation, and that it needs not time to strengthen it, and that it will go in mighty power and do its work, and will be cut short in righteousness.
(1LtMs, Ms 1, 1851, 1)
I saw that some were making everything bend to the time of this next fall, that is, making their calculations and disposing of their property in reference to that time. I saw that this was wrong, for this reason: instead of their going to God daily, and earnestly desiring to know their present duty, they looked ahead and made their calculations as though they knew the work would end this fall, without inquiring their duty of God daily.
(1LtMs, Ms 1, 1851, 2)
E. G. White [As later edited by E. G. White. Date of editing unknown.] Copy of a Vision the Lord Gave Sister White, June 21, 1851, at Camden, N. Y.
The Lord me that the Message must go, and that it must not hang on time, for time never will be a test again. I saw that some were getting a false excitement from preaching time; the Third Angel’s message can stand on its own foundation, and it needs not time to strengthen it, and that it will go in mighty power and do its work and will be cut short in righteousness.
(1LtMs, Ms 1, 1851, 3)
I saw that were making everything bend to this next fall—that is—making their calculations and disposing of their property in reference to that time I saw that this was wrong for this reason: instead of their going to God daily and earnestly, desiring to know their present duty, they looked ahead and made their calculations as though they knew the work would end this fall without inquiring their duty of God daily.
(1LtMs, Ms 1, 1851, 4)
E. G. White
Ms 1a, 1851
Camden Vision Unauthenticated.
Ms 2, 1851
Testimony Regarding the Company at Camden, N. Y. Camden, New York June 23, 1851 See variant Ms 2a, 1851. Previously unpublished. See also Annotations.
The Lord shewed me the company in Camden. I saw that Sister Almira Preston was a child of God and that the band had been very wrong and had not stood in the light of God’s countenance. I saw that the destiny of a soul should never hang on dreams or impressions, that these two things have governed the band much.
(1LtMs, Ms 2, 1851, 1)
I saw that Sister A. Preston was in the midst of perfect darkness, none to help or encourage her. Her being in the midst of wicked influences had weakened and discouraged her. When she came among the brethren, then was the time for [them] to strengthen her, and pray for her, and call down the blessings of God upon her, and to try in every [way] that they could to encourage her. But instead of that, they had pushed her off into the jaws of the lion because she did not appear to be as strong as others. I saw that God loved her and frowned upon the course of the band; that if God bore no more with them than they had borne of some of their numbers He would long since have withdrawn His mercy from them and left them wholly to themselves.
(1LtMs, Ms 2, 1851, 2)
I saw that if Sister A. Preston would be humble and hold this faith before God, that would keep her and among all her trials bring her off victorious.
(1LtMs, Ms 2, 1851, 3)
Ms 2a, 1851
Testimony Regarding the Company at Camden, N.Y. Camden, N. Y. June 23, 1851 Variant of Ms 2, 1851. Previously unpublished. See also Annotations.
The Lord showed me the company in Camden. I saw that Sister Elmira Preston was a child of God, and that the band had been very wrong and had not stood in the light of God’s countenance. I saw that the destiny of a soul should never hang on dreams or impressions, [and] that these two things have governed the band much.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 1)
I saw that Sister E. Preston was in the midst of perfect darkness [with] none to help or encourage her, and [that] her being in the midst of wicked influences had weakened and discouraged her. When she came among them, then was the time for the brethren to strengthen and pray for her and to call down the blessings of God upon her, and to try in every way that they could to encourage her. But instead of that they had pushed her off into the jaws of the lion because she did not appear to be as strong as others.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 2)
I saw that God loved her and frowned upon the course of the band. [I saw] that if God bore no more with them than they had borne of some of their number, He would long since have withdrawn His mercy from them and left them wholly to themselves. I saw that if Sister E. Preston would be humble and hold fast her faith before God, that would keep her, and among all her trials bring her off victorious.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 3)
I then saw Brother and Sister Prior, that God had not left them. Their brethren cutting them off had driven them to distraction and despair, and they had yielded the Sabbath on this ground [and felt] that it would be of no value for them to keep it, for all their endeavors to get into the kingdom would be useless.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 4)
I was pointed back and saw that Brother and Sister Prior had been wrong, that bitter words had often passed between them, and that they must get the victory over every wrong word and action and be united with each other, bear with each other, and try to help each other along to the kingdom; then they could have strength. I saw that they must be very humble before the Lord and pray much to Him for grace. When they felt wrong they must not talk but go to God and pray for strength and grace to overcome.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 5)
I saw that they had suffered much bodily and mentally since the band cut them off. I saw [that] unless the band were more careful and strengthened the weak among them, God would give them to feel, as they have caused others to feel, what it is to be lost or left of God, without a hope. I saw [that] if the band had done wrong willfully, God would have withdrawn His Spirit from them. I saw that they had erred greatly in judgment and had not stood in the light of God. If they had, they would not have moved so wrongly, for it was an awful thing to reject one of God’s children.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 6)
In love.
(1LtMs, Ms 2a, 1851, 7)
Ms 3, 1851
Exclamations while in Vision Paris, Maine April 27, 1851 Unauthenticated.
Ms 5, 1851
Opposition to the Sabbath Paris, Maine May 18, 1851 Portions of this manuscript are published in 6MR 168-172. See also Annotations.
I will now write you the vision that the Lord gave me May 14. I saw the great goodness of God to us, that while we have been passing through the deep waters, they have not overwhelmed us. I saw the beauty and loveliness of Jesus, and it seemed as though I could never bear to be parted from His lovely presence. Then I saw a light coming from the excellent glory that encircled the Father. It approached nearer and nearer unto me. I began to tremble, my body shook like a leaf; it seemed to me if that light came close to me, I should be dissolved or struck out of existence, but the light passed me. Then could I realize what a terrible God we have to do with, and that we must be so holy that we can live in His sight.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 1)
Then I saw how little some realized the holiness of God, and what they must be in order to live in His sight, through the time of trouble. I begged of Jesus to make those who were believing His appearing like Himself.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 2)
Then I saw how the blind guides were trying to make souls as blind as themselves, and they knew not what was coming upon them. I saw that they were exalting themselves against God and His truth, and as the truth triumphs, souls who have believed these teachers to be men of God and have looked to them, inquire of these teachers what it means, for they are troubled. And these teachers, with the object of getting rid of the law of God or the seventh day Sabbath, will answer them thereto. I saw that there was no honesty in them in taking their position against the Sabbath of the Lord God. All they wanted was to get around the Sabbath of the Lord, and keep some other day than the one sanctified and set apart by Jehovah.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 3)
For (the angel said) they are not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be, and if they are driven off of one position they will take an opposite one, (but equally as weak as the first). I saw that there was no strength in their arguments.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 4)
I saw that God’s people were coming into the unity of the faith, and those that believe that the seventh day is the Sabbath, are united in their views and understanding of the Bible truths in all important points and that they believe and speak the same things. But those who oppose the seventh day Sabbath are cut up and divided, there are hardly two agreed; one comes forward in opposition to the Sabbath commandment and declares it to be thus and so, and at the conclusion calls it settled; then a second comes up and tears the first down, and declares it to be some other way. But they will not have it, any of them, that the seventh day is the Sabbath, and they do not agree among themselves, but are blind and dishonest and are standing out against the Sabbath commandment. They want to silence the flock, therefore they get up something to silence them and lull them to sleep upon these truths which condemn them and cut them off. Their followers read their Bibles so little that error could be easily made by these blind leaders to appear like truth, and the followers receive it as such, not looking any higher than their leaders, and they, having a disposition to get rid of the fourth commandment, love these errors and love to have it so.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 5)
Then I saw those at Milton, that they need help, and that they had called loud for it, and we should not disregard their call, for souls could be benefited there, and that we must go and visit them. They were looking to the visions and were anxious to know more about them. Then I saw that Bro. John must stay but a short time in Paris, that he must go and write. And I saw that one could not always bring out clear light upon every point in a subject, as two could who understood the same subject, and that John should watch carefully and if he could make any other point in the subject of the parable, or any other subject, clearer, it was his duty to do so. Then I saw that this band must have steady, living faith, more faith, and draw down the blessings from God. I saw that faith had been but little in exercise among the band, and that they must get ready, for the clouds are gathering and will soon burst upon us.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 6)
I saw that this world was rocked in the cradle of security so that communications might not be cut off from place to place, and that messengers might have full time to carry the message to the children of God, that they receive it and be sealed with the seal of the living God, and be prepared to pass through the time of trouble such as never was. I saw that it must be a time of peace in order for the servants of God to do their work for souls.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 7)
Then I was shown concerning the wicked who now die and are happy. I saw in their sickness and death if they should once realize their awful condition they would die in such agony of mind, and would make such appeals, as would frighten some to profess the truth that did not love it, that never could be saved, and go through the time of trouble, and others would be deranged. And again if they felt their lost condition, it would show that Satan had not power enough over them to blind their minds so they could not feel their own condition. I saw that the wicked were Satan’s lawful prey, and that they were completely deceived by him, therefore now is the time when there are no bands in the death of the wicked.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 8)
Then I saw that we must work fast while the days last. I begged God to let His messengers go and work fast for the salvation of souls. I saw that God was willing to give us great blessings, if we would only have faith, and when we went out among the people we must go in the name of the Lord, for without Him we can do nothing.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 9)
Then again I saw the goodness of God to us in giving us a baptism of His Spirit, before we had waded through the deep waters. I saw how busy Satan had been. He saw that the nominals could not overthrow us, so he began to put prejudices in the minds of our dearest brethren, so as to hinder the work and overthrow James, and also to cause the faith in the visions to be destroyed. But he failed in his endeavors, and then he attacked his body, but by faith James was wrenched from his grasp and placed in the hands of the Great Physician who applied the balm and set him free. I saw that Satan’s darts were hurled at us more than at others so as to destroy the confidence of God’s children in the visions, and to get down James so as to stop his work on the paper.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 10)
I saw that each one of us must labor for the salvation of souls, that we all can do something. I saw that this band should not rest unless they had the abiding witness that their ways pleased God. I saw that they had not seen their true state, and I prayed the angel to unfold it to them, that they might see themselves as God sees them.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 11)
I saw that there was a lack of their studying their Bibles as they should, but let their minds run upon other things, and reading that did not profit. I saw that the Bible was the statute book that was to judge us in the last days, and that it should be studied much and carefully to know whether our lives will compare with the Word of God. I saw that if any should lose their love for the Word of God, that they should not rest, but pray very earnestly for God to baptize them with His Spirit into an understanding of His Word that they may love it better than anything else.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 12)
I also saw something concerning you, that you had no wrong intentions in your heart when you said what you did at Bro. N’s, but that you were under a wrong influence, and that Satan was striving with all his power to get you to give up in discouragement now, and get you looking to yourself. I saw that you must not give way to him one moment, but look to your compassionate, tender High Priest, for He loves you. We love you, Bro. Rhodes. Do not sink down. Press against the temptations of Satan.
(1LtMs, Ms 5, 1851, 13)
E. G. White
Ms 7, 1851
Time Setting Duplicate of Ms 1, 1851.
Ms 9, 1851
Testimony to Believers at Paris, Maine Paris, Maine 1851 This manuscript is published in entirety in PH016 31-32. See also Annotations.
I was shown that there had been but little carefulness to follow the pattern. I was shown that there was a link between Brethren Andrews’ and Stevens’ families that would have to be broken. This link did not tend to make them strengthen each other in the most holy faith, or to cause one another to grow in grace, but it did tend, if they were wrong, to make them build one another up in that wrong and hide each other’s faults that needed to be brought out and got rid of in order to have the approbation of God and His free, strengthening Spirit among them. This attachment that bound one to the other was not formed because each family was so holy and reflected the image of Jesus so fully.
(1LtMs, Ms 9, 1851, 1)
If you stood more separate and had an eye single to the glory of God, you would be much stronger and God would be honored much more. I saw that you did not love Jesus as well as you loved each other, and you were more zealous to please each other than you were to please Jesus who died for you. I saw that if you studied more daily to glorify God and to have the abiding witness that your ways please Him, you would be strong and valiant in the truth and would carry a holy influence with you.
(1LtMs, Ms 9, 1851, 2)
I saw that you have a knowledge of the truth and a form of godliness, but the power has been lacking. You have not had faith in God as you should have had, and when you have obtained the victory it has lasted you but a short time. I saw that we must have victory every day and come up steadily. I saw that our keeping house has discovered selfishness in your families, and I saw that there has not been true faith in the visions—that some have doubted them and still have not true faith in them and if they remained where they were they would doubt them still more. I was shown the danger of doubting the visions. Had you believed the visions in time back, you would not have been left to go into the error you did. I saw that we must have vital godliness and heart holiness if we would be covered with the covering of Almighty God.
(1LtMs, Ms 9, 1851, 3)