Sunday morning June 27, at 8 o'clock, by request I spoke about one hour for the benefit of our Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian, as well as American brethren, in regard to the work the Lord is doing in Europe, in bringing present truth before those of other tongues. It was interpreted to them. This was an encouragement to our brethren and sisters of other tongues, and also to our American brethren. Sunday, at 10 A.M., my husband spoke from the stand with great freedom and power, giving the reasons of our faith. The congregation was very attentive. We hope the good seed sown will spring up and bear fruit to the glory of God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 1)
At 2 1/2 P.M., I spoke to the people about one hour and a half upon Peter's ladder of sanctification consisting of eight rounds. I dwelt upon temperance and the importance of parents’ teaching their children self-denial, and self-control, guarding the appetite and taste from indulgence at the expense of mental, moral, and physical strength.
(RH May 11, 1876, 2)
The lessons upon self-control and self-denial are to be received by education, in childhood and youth. The appetite is to be restrained and educated, and this is the responsible work that devolves upon parents. The youth in generations past have been the index to society.
(RH May 11, 1876, 3)
If parents had done their duty in spreading the table with wholesome food, discarding irritating and stimulating substances, and at the same time had taught their children self-control, and educated their characters to develop moral power, we should not now have to handle the lion of intemperance. After habits of indulgence have been formed, and grown with their growth and strengthened with their strength, how hard then for those who have not been properly trained in youth to break up their wrong habits and learn to restrain themselves and their unnatural appetites. How hard to teach such ones and make them feel the necessity of Christian temperance, when they reach maturity. The temperance lessons should commence with the child rocked in the cradle. “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rocks the world.”
(RH May 11, 1876, 4)
I was requested by the Swedes and Danes to write out the subject just as I presented it to the people, and have it translated into the different languages. I promised to do this when I had a favorable opportunity. Bro. Smith spoke to the people in the evening.
(RH May 11, 1876, 5)
Monday morning at 5 o'clock a business meeting was held. At 8 o'clock my husband spoke from the stand to the people, in regard to the present condition of the cause. I spoke to the people Monday at 10 1/2 A.M., with great freedom. It seemed to fall to my lot to speak in the afternoon also. The Lord blessed and strengthened me greatly. I spoke above one hour. I felt the special power of God upon me while speaking. Bro. Smith spoke in the evening with his usual clearness. These discourses from Bro. Smith were a feast to many who could appreciate the clear points of argument on our position.
(RH May 11, 1876, 6)
Tuesday morning, June 29, at 8 o'clock, my husband spoke to the people from the stand, upon baptism. He had great freedom and power. I spoke to the people at 10 1/2 o'clock from James 1:22, 25: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves; for if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass; for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”
(RH May 11, 1876, 7)
The Lord blessed the word spoken. Invitation was then given for any who desired to be children of God, those who were backslidden from God, and those who for the first time were convicted that they had been living in transgression of the law of God, to come forward. About forty responded to the call.
(RH May 11, 1876, 8)
Liberty was given to any who wished to relieve their minds by bearing their testimony. An aged sister said she came forward to receive the prayers of the servants of God. She had professed to be a Christian for years, but since these meetings commenced she was convinced that she had been breaking the law of God, and from this time she should take her position with this people to keep all of God's commandments. The law of God has convicted her as a sinner. She has felt that the Spirit of God was with this people. When the invitation was given upon a former occasion to go forward, she did not accept the invitation and let the opportunity pass. She felt that she had done wrong. She was sorry that she had transgressed the law of God. Her good and gracious Heavenly Father, who is plenteous in mercy and loving-kindness, has not left her in her blindness. She wants to be cleansed from all sin. (This sister was a member in good standing in the Methodist church.)
(RH May 11, 1876, 9)
A brother thought he could get no encouragement in coming up to this meeting, but he had received great good, and thanked God for this precious privilege.
(RH May 11, 1876, 10)
A Danish brother said he rejoiced in these truths. He thought the truth which was so clear to him would be seen and understood by all of good sense when presented before them, but he was terribly disappointed. Those who did see, would not acknowledge the light, and many he could not make see the evidences of the truth which were so plain to him.
(RH May 11, 1876, 11)
Bro. L. said, “You may some of you be surprised to see me forward here for prayers among sinners and backsliders.” He said he found scripture which was applicable to his case. Numbers 11:1“And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord; and the Lord heard it, and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.” He wants to be fully in union and harmony with his American brethren. He has grown up outside of the ranks of Adventists. Circumstances have kept him there continually watching and severely tempted in regard to the feelings of the Americans toward his Swedish brethren. When his eyes rested upon the above passage in regard to murmurers, the Spirit of the Lord applied these words to his mind. He felt reproved of the Lord for being in the outermost part of the camp. This was a wrong position for him to gain strength. He will from this time take his stand among his brethren. He would be more reasonable. “May God bless my brethren,” said he. “I want to put all my strength in the great work. I rejoice in the Lord that I see the half a dozen of my countrymen who can scarcely understand a word of English coming forward for prayers.” It reminded him of the blind men feeling their way to Jesus. In a touching manner he talked in Swedish to those who came forward. The searching Spirit of God was in the meeting; his melting power was felt upon many hearts. Bro. L. continued, “May the Lord bless you all, and grant that we may all unite around the throne to praise his name.”
(RH May 11, 1876, 12)
A young sister feels that the Lord is very near her. She wants to leave the vanities of the world and follow her self-denying Redeemer.
(RH May 11, 1876, 13)
We repaired to the water about three miles distant over a rough road. Eighteen were buried with Christ in baptism. This baptismal scene was an interesting occasion. Children went into the water so very calmly, with light and peace expressed in the countenance. Surely the blessing of the Lord rested upon candidates, administrator, and those who were interested spectators.
(RH May 11, 1876, 14)
In the afternoon I spoke to the people with great freedom. I then invited sinners and backsliders forward for prayers. A large number responded. We gave them all an opportunity to talk out their feelings.
(RH May 11, 1876, 15)
One man arose and said that probably there was not a person on the ground who had passed through so great trials as himself. He was in the Indian massacre. He received several balls in his person. He saw his family massacred. He would not detain the people with the relation of his experience. He wants to set out now at this meeting to serve God, and do the best he can to save his own soul. If Job and Daniel were in the land, they could only deliver their own souls. They could not save son or daughter.
(RH May 11, 1876, 16)
A brother says he is an unworthy subject of religion. He has been a Baptist in profession. Many years he had loved the people of God. He had pointed sinners to the Lamb of God, but had long been down by the cold streams of Babylon. He had not given a right example to his friends and neighbors. He is not without trials. He wants to be a Christian. He does not feel the love that he once felt, and that help from the courts of Heaven he once had. He said he was glad he came to the Adventist camp-meeting. He had received ideas at this meeting that were entirely new to him. He has had something hard and bitter in his heart against Mrs. White's visions. He had said many wrong things in regard to her for which he is now ashamed. He believes in the prayers of the children of God. He requests them to pray that he may think and act right, and see clearly all things as we see them. He does not see all points as this people see them, but hopes to be fully with us yet in the faith.
(RH May 11, 1876, 17)
A brother says he finds himself far behind. He wants to confess his wickedness before all present. He wants to make an entire surrender to God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 18)
Another brother says it is only a few months since he has been enlightened in regard to the truth by reading a Review. He received the Signs of the Times also; and became convicted through reading these papers that Saturday was the Sabbath of the Lord. He felt that he must have something more than merely the light upon the Sabbath. He wanted to know some things for himself which had never been told him. He offered his first prayer forty miles from home while in camp. He sought the Lord then and there, and had come to this meeting to obtain further light and to follow it. This brother received the ordinance of baptism, and fully identified himself with this people.
(RH May 11, 1876, 19)
A brother then arose stating that the one who had just spoken had stated his case exactly. The Voice of Truth had first convicted him. He saw that this people had the truth.
(RH May 11, 1876, 20)
A Dane stated that her mother had lived a Christian life and instructed her. She was trying to be a Christian also. She had made many crooked paths. She had been a backslider and wants to start out anew. She wants the prayers of God's servants, that she may have grace to labor for her neighbors that they may be brought to the truth. She has learned many good things of Adventists.
(RH May 11, 1876, 21)
A brother finds that by gazing into the looking-glass as sister White mentioned, there was a lack. He had not the love of God in his heart as he should have it. He did not want to forget what manner of man he was. He wanted to see his defects revealed to him in the law of God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 22)
A young sister says she will not let her crown go. She wants to get to Heaven. She will watch and pray that no one may take her crown. She is determined to stand firm and consecrate her life wholly to God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 23)
A brother says no doubt many will be surprised to see him rise for prayers. He had made a profession of religion for a long time, joined the Baptist church, united with those of our faith in Illinois, came to Minnesota; since that time had become rather cold. He had backslidden and felt that he should be doing more than he was then doing. He had resisted the strivings of the Spirit of God. He wanted to consecrate all to the will of Christ. If it was his duty to bear the message he would do so. His wife had taken her seat with him to seek God that they might the better know and do his will from the heart.
(RH May 11, 1876, 24)
June 30. Last morning upon the camp ground. Assembled under the tent at the ringing of the bell about five o'clock.
(RH May 11, 1876, 25)
Meeting opened with singing and prayer. Bro. Smith made some appropriate remarks, then others followed with their testimonies.
(RH May 11, 1876, 26)
A sister realizes her weakness, but rejoices that she has a Saviour to help those who put their trust in him. She wants to train her children aright that they may gain the kingdom at last. She thanks God for what he has done for her. He has given her husband unto her as a companion in this good way.
(RH May 11, 1876, 27)
A brother rejoices in the goodness of God to him since he has been to this meeting. He has not felt his acceptance with God for a time, as he desired; but since these meetings he has enjoyed the blessing of God, and he wants to retain this precious blessing under all circumstances.
(RH May 11, 1876, 28)
A brother says he never felt greater gratitude to God than he does this morning. He has a most earnest desire to follow him and be better prepared to live in his kingdom. He was much affected.
(RH May 11, 1876, 29)
A brother rejoices for the blessing he has received at this meeting. He does not want to be forgetful of the words of truth, warning, and encouragement heard since coming here.
(RH May 11, 1876, 30)
Another brother says he has been blessed in attending this camp-meeting. He feels that the Spirit of God and of Heaven has come nigh unto us. He desires to go home and live better for the time to come than he has done, that rays of light may pass from him to others, that they may know that he has been learning of Jesus. Unless he makes quick steps he fears that the message will get ahead of him, and he be left behind.
(RH May 11, 1876, 31)
A sister says she is resolved to go to Mount Zion, lay all on the altar, and strive earnestly to do her Master's bidding.
(RH May 11, 1876, 32)
A brother says he is glad that God has put into his heart a desire to be a soldier of the cross, and bear that cross cheerfully till he shall exchange it for a crown.
(RH May 11, 1876, 33)
A Danish sister says she is thankful for the instruction she has received at this meeting. She wants to carry out the things she has heard. In all the departments of life she wants to gather with Christ. If we lose the influence of these meetings it will be to us a great loss.
(RH May 11, 1876, 34)
A sister feels that she has been greatly privileged in attending these meetings. She has been much discouraged. It seemed to her that she should never overcome, that with her the war was nearly ended. She has thought she could never obey the truth, her will had not been sufficient to enable her to do so. But she feels more hopeful, and is now willing to take hold anew and strive to overcome, and in every department of her life seek to work right to the point, let her surroundings and circumstances be as they may. She wants to live right before the Lord. She requests her brethren and sisters to tell her frankly when they see her out of the way, and she will receive it kindly and love them better for it. She desires to remember what she has heard, and the good words of instruction she has received at this meeting, and put them into practice when she returns home.
(RH May 11, 1876, 35)
A brother came up here to get a blessing. He had been sick, and was obliged to leave the ground. He had the privilege of the last day's meeting. The Lord has blessed him; although he is afflicted, he will put his trust in God, and will praise him while he lives.
(RH May 11, 1876, 36)
A brother says he has not kept his seat because he had nothing to say or had not an interest in the work. “My heart, with you, loves God.” He has many things to overcome, and he has been strengthened, and encouraged.
(RH May 11, 1876, 37)
A sister says she is determined to keep the law of God, and to love the truth.
(RH May 11, 1876, 38)
Another sister says she thanks God for this great privilege. She means to profit by it. The Lord is willing to show us our faults as fast as we are willing to put them away and overcome them. She exhorted her brethren to faithfulness, to do nothing to bring a reproach upon the precious cause of God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 39)
A brother thanks God for the privilege of being here and having a part in the good cause. He loves the people of God more than he ever has before. He has more confidence in this work than he has ever had.
(RH May 11, 1876, 40)
One brother has been only a few months in the truth. He has enjoyed at this camp-meeting a feast of fat things. While the great looking-glass has been held up before him, he has seen the imperfections in his character. He feels that he must be in earnest to remove the spots and stains, or he can never enter the pure kingdom of Heaven.
(RH May 11, 1876, 41)
A sister says she is grateful for the instructions received, and will improve upon what she has heard.
(RH May 11, 1876, 42)
A sister says she is thankful for this privilege. The light given has shown her sins. She wants to do the will of God daily and overcome every wrong in her life and gather with Christ.
(RH May 11, 1876, 43)
A sister says she has received good instruction at this meeting. She could not, because of ill-health, get to the meeting until yesterday morning; but she has been richly paid by what she has received, and wants her heart and hand in the truth and work of God, growing stronger every day.
(RH May 11, 1876, 44)
A Swedish brother is thankful for the privilege of speaking a few words. He feels very happy. He has enjoyed the blessing of God. If he had missed this camp-meeting it would have been a great loss to him. He has had to leave his father and friends. He has had an experience in leaving parents for the truth and Christ's sake. He hopes to see them yet turning to the truth. “Let us instruct our children in the way of life, that they may not be led astray by heresy, but be saved with the people of God. Let us, my Swedish brethren, be united with the people of God, that none of us be led astray from the fold. How sorry should we be if any should fail to meet us there, when the obedient shall receive their reward.”
(RH May 11, 1876, 45)
A brother says he has more confidence in the message today than ever before. He has gained strength on the camp-ground. At this meeting, he has gained an experience worth having.
(RH May 11, 1876, 46)
A sister has been led, at the meeting, to feel the necessity of having a greater consecration to God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 47)
A sister said she had had a precious season of the grace of God. She wanted a share in the kingdom with the redeemed.
(RH May 11, 1876, 48)
Another sister spoke in behalf of a sister who was baptized in Wasioja. She is now in Canada, and has written a letter saying she has passed through great trials, but she can now rejoice in God because her husband has taken the truth. She is very poor, but she sent twenty-five cents of British money to aid in publishing these truths she so highly prizes. She said in her own behalf that the truth she has heard at this meeting will be a savor of life unto life to her and her family. She hoped they would be a united family in the kingdom of God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 49)
A sister said she is thankful to God for this privilege and the instruction she had received, and was determined to follow on to know the Lord.
(RH May 11, 1876, 50)
A brother had a very great desire to gain spiritual strength. He had been cheered and strengthened greatly at these meetings.
(RH May 11, 1876, 51)
A brother said he was thankful that he had received the blessing he so much desired at this meeting.
(RH May 11, 1876, 52)
A sister had been seeking to follow the Saviour. She received the ordinance of baptism yesterday. After coming out of the water she was greatly blessed.
(RH May 11, 1876, 53)
A sister said the Lord has richly blessed her. Yesterday as she came out of the water a gleam of light from Heaven shone upon her. If clouds gather henceforth upon her soul she will strive to remember the sun shining beyond the cloud. She thanks God for the blessed results of this meeting.
(RH May 11, 1876, 54)
A brother said he had been much blessed at this meeting. His faith was increased and he had been greatly strengthened.
(RH May 11, 1876, 55)
Another brother thanked God for what he had done for his soul in this meeting. He was determined to live nearer to Jesus and serve him better. He wanted to overcome all his besetments. When the truth came to him at first, it found him going the downward road. He saw that he was a transgressor of God's law, and he had been trying to turn from his sins and choose the path that leads heavenward.
(RH May 11, 1876, 56)
A sister spoke in behalf of our aged sister Gibson, who could not come to the meeting. She is eighty years old, and this is the first camp-meeting she has missed of those held in the State. She wept because she was not strong enough to come to the meeting. She loves the truth. She desired the prayers of her brethren and sisters who attended the meeting.
(RH May 11, 1876, 57)
A brother had at this meeting received encouragement to press on and be faithful in setting a right example.
(RH May 11, 1876, 58)
A brother said he had enjoyed this meeting. He desired to live nearer to God. He had recently started to serve him.
(RH May 11, 1876, 59)
A brother said his heart had been filled with gratitude to God for his blessing received at this meeting. He was determined to buckle on the armor anew and not lay it off until his Master bade him.
(RH May 11, 1876, 60)
A sister said she had love for Jesus. She thanked God for all things, even for poverty, for this was among the all things which shall work together for good to them that love God.
(RH May 11, 1876, 61)
A sister said she could say as never before, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus wanted to save her. The Lord wanted to save her, and angels of God wanted to save her, and why should she be unbelieving?
(RH May 11, 1876, 62)
A brother had looked forward with great expectations to this meeting. He had enjoyed it very much. For some reason a cloud had disturbed his mind for the last two days. He had felt like Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat. He wanted to enter into the kingdom of God. He wanted to go forth better prepared to work for God. He left his companion to go forth to his field of labor.
(RH May 11, 1876, 63)
A brother Spicer said he had not yet been ground down to rigid discipline. God had tried him, that he might see his way clear to work for him. He wanted to be in earnest, lest the message get ahead of him. Two hundred years ago the Lord planted Sabbath-keepers in America. They prospered for awhile, then seemed to hesitate. God raised up a people to carry on the work. We see what we do at this time. Blessings have been taken away from those who have proved themselves unworthy of them and given to others who would be more faithful to their trust. If we are not faithful to the message before us the blessing will be removed from us and given to others. We feel like saying to you who are attending this meeting, We feel like pressing forward and entreat of you to be faithful, be true, do not turn back. The promise is to those who endure unto the end.
(RH May 11, 1876, 64)
My husband responded and presented the case of Bro. and Sr. Spicer, that they become members of the Conference. A rising vote was taken, not a dissenting voice.
(RH May 11, 1876, 65)
So closed our last meeting on the ground.
(RH May 11, 1876, 66)