〉 November 7, 1878
November 7, 1878
Camp-Meeting at Richland Kansas
This meeting, the third of the kind which has been held in this State the present season, was held October 24-29. At Topeka we left the cars and rode by private conveyance twelve miles across the broad prairie to the place of meeting. We found the settlement of tents in a grove. A wooden tent was prepared for us, and furnished with a stove, and everything to make us comfortable. It being late in the season for camp-meetings, every preparation was made for cold weather that could be made. There were seventeen tents on the ground besides the large tent, which accommodated several families; and every tent had a stove. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 1)
Sabbath morning it commenced snowing. But notwithstanding this, not one meeting was suspended. About an inch of snow fell, and the air was piercing cold. Women with little children clustered about the stoves. It was a touching scene to see one hundred and fifty people assembled for a convocation meeting under these circumstances. Some came two hundred miles by private conveyance. All seemed hungry for the bread of life, and thirsty for the water of salvation. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 2)
Bro. Haskell spoke Friday afternoon and evening. In the meeting Sabbath morning I felt called upon to speak encouraging words to those who had made so great an effort to attend the meeting. I told them that the more inclement the weather, the greater the necessity of our obtaining the sunshine of God's presence. This life at best is but the Christian's winter and the bleak winds of winter,—disappointments, losses, pain, and anguish,—are our lot here; but our hopes are reaching forward to the Christian's summer, when we shall change climate, leave all the wintry blasts and fierce tempests behind, and be taken to those mansions Jesus has gone to prepare for those that love him. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 3)
I presented before them the lives of the apostles. Paul was one whom God honored with visions of his glory, and although thus honored of Heaven, he was subject to the fiercest persecutions by his own people, the Jews. They did not allow him to labor in peace even among idolaters, but taking advantage of the superstition of the people, stirred up the Gentiles against him. Once the Gentile element was so wrought upon by the Jews that he was stoned and taken up for dead. But this hero of faith pens no words of discouragement. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 4)
Near the close of his life he was, under the cruel Nero, immured in prison walls that never saw the light of day. His dungeon, chiseled out of the solid rocks, was reeking with dampness, and he an invalid, who had labored for years pressed by physical sufferings. One consolation was left him. One and another of his brethren were allowed to be with him and share the discomforts of his home, and to stand by him when brought before Nero to answer for his life. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 5)
In looking over the incidents of his eventful life, he remembers all. He recalls the scenes of his trials and sufferings, and now if he has any words of murmuring we shall surely hear them. Mark his words: “I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” “I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Again, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day; and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 6)
When we contrast our circumstances with those of the apostle Paul, we should feel rebuked for ever harboring the least feeling of murmuring or complaint. We know but little by experience of self-denial, and persecution, and pain for Christ's sake. We are here as probationers, and we must be tested and proved. Says Paul, “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 7)
Many testimonies were borne in this morning meeting, and many hearts were softened by the beams of light from the Sun of Righteousness. At half-past ten Bro. Haskell spoke with great freedom upon the subject of the talents. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 8)
In the afternoon I spoke from these words: “Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” I had much freedom in presenting before our brethren the great dignity conferred upon them in being the acknowledged sons of God. The meeting was prolonged till near sunset, giving all the privilege of witnessing for Christ and the truth. Many testimonies were borne well wet down with tears, and many humble confessions were made. All seemed desirous to put away their lukewarmness, and let their example testify to their neighbors that there was a power in the truth they professed, to refine the life and elevate the character. We were made sensible of the fact that inaction in the cause of God will eventually destroy confidence in God. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 9)
Evening after the Sabbath, Eld. Haskell spoke to the people upon the message to the Laodiceans. Sunday morning was clear and cold. In the morning meeting Eld. Haskell explained the tract and missionary work, and at the usual hour for preaching he spoke upon the Sabbath. Sunday afternoon there was quite a large outside attendance, considering the meeting was located so far from the thoroughfare of travel. I spoke with freedom upon Christ weeping over Jerusalem, and the barren fig-tree Bro. Haskell spoke again in the evening. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 10)
Monday morning at nine o'clock I spoke to the brethren from the third chapter of Malachi. We then called for those to come forward who wanted to be Christians and who had not the evidence of their acceptance with God. About thirty responded. Some were seeking the Lord for the first time, and some who were members of other churches were taking their position upon the Sabbath. We gave all an opportunity to speak. The free Spirit of the Lord was in our midst. One little boy about eleven years old said that he had been blessed. Had he not said a word his shining countenance would have testified to the fact. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 11)
After prayer had been offered for those who had come forward, candidates for baptism were examined. Six were baptized. In the afternoon Eld. Haskell brought before the people the necessity of placing reading matter in private families, especially the three volumes of Spirit of Prophecy, and the four volumes of Testimonies. These could be read aloud during the long winter evenings by some member of the family so that all the family might be instructed. I then spoke of the necessity of parents properly educating and disciplining their children. The greatest evidence that the world can have of the power of Christianity is to present to them a well-ordered, well-disciplined family. This will recommend the truth as nothing else can, for it is a living witness of its practical power upon the heart. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 12)
The Spirit of the Lord rested upon us in this our closing meeting. Tuesday morning the camp was early astir, striking their tents and preparing to return to their homes, it is to be hoped better Christians than when they came to the meeting. (RH November 7, 1878, Art. A, 13)
Mrs. E. G. White
Locating General Meetings
We were sadly disappointed to find the Richland, Kansas, camp-meeting located in an isolated place, twelve miles from Topeka, the nearest railroad station. This is indeed hiding our light under a bushel. We depend much upon the influence of our camp-meetings to shed the bright beams of truth upon those who are in darkness. (RH November 7, 1878, 1)
We cannot say that any of our camp-meetings are failures; for the people of our faith who attend them are hungry for a better knowledge of the truth, and more of the Lord's blessing. They have the evidences of our faith brought clearly before their minds, and receive additional light at every such gathering. To assemble, and hear the testimonies of brethren and sisters, encourages them. The earnest prayers and humble confessions of those who are wrought upon by the Spirit of God have a softening, subduing influence upon the heart, and all are made better by them. But every ray of light that shines from Heaven upon the people of God will have an influence in removing prejudice. And more than this is accomplished at our camp-meetings: the evidences of our faith are presented with convincing power before a large class of persons who could not be drawn out upon any other occasion. Again, laborers are few, and the field of labor is extending. It is as easy to speak to thousands as it is to hundreds. (RH November 7, 1878, 2)
When we consider that we have a message which must go to all the world, and then see our large meetings carried away from the people into isolated, out-of-the-way places, we feel sad at heart. We have had much to say upon this point, and yet our brethren fail to realize the importance of holding their general meetings where the community at large may be benefited. Says Christ, “Ye are the light of the world;” “ye are the salt of the earth.” We hope our brethren will be more liberal, and feel that the truth of heavenly origin should be brought before the world. Would that all our ministers were so closely connected with God that they would be awake to the wants of the cause, and could realize what might be done for the world through earnest effort. (RH November 7, 1878, 3)
When our large gatherings are appointed, let them be held on the line of the railroad, where the people can reach them. (RH November 7, 1878, 4)
Brethren, wake up! Shake off your lethargy, and be in earnest to be Christ's co-laborers. Let the light which shines upon you, shine upon others, who are in darkness. You need the true, zealous missionary spirit. (RH November 7, 1878, 5)
Mrs. E. G. White