From the Kansas camp-meeting we came direct to the Missouri camp-ground. Arriving there May 30, we found a very pleasant encampment. Eld. Butler soon rallied helpers to pitch a tent for us, and with a floor laid and carpeted, a table, bedstead, lounge, and chairs, our temporary home was made tasteful and inviting.
(RH June 12, 1879, 1)
I was suffering from weakness and a severe cold, and would have been glad to keep my bed Sabbath morning, had I not been so desirous of speaking to the people. I was too sick to speak long, but in great weakness I sought to impress upon the people the necessity of preparing for a future life. I then invited sinners and backsliders to come forward. A large number responded, many making a start for the first time.
(RH June 12, 1879, 2)
The people who came upon the ground Sunday had been told that I would speak to them; but it seemed like an impossibility for me to do so. My lungs were congested, and I was very hoarse; but, unable as I had been to sit up an hour since I came on the ground, I decided to venture out by faith. And, as on former occasions, I found the promises of God unfailing. “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.”“Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” I was strengthened of God to speak nearly two hours, and was not nearly as tired when I left the stand as when I went upon it.
(RH June 12, 1879, 3)
Monday morning, we assembled under the tent to attend the organization of a temperance association. There was a fair representation of our people present. Eld. Butler spoke, and confessed that he had not been as forward in the temperance reform as he should have been. He stated that he had always been a strictly temperance man, discarding the use of liquor, tea and coffee, but he had not signed the pledge being circulated among our people. But he was now convinced that in not doing so he was hindering others who ought to sign it. He then placed his name under Col. Hunter's; my husband placed his name beneath Bro. Butler's, I wrote mine next, and Bro. Farnsworth's followed. Thus the work was well started.
(RH June 12, 1879, 4)
My husband continued to talk while the pledge was circulating. Some hesitated, thinking that the platform was too broad in including tea and coffee; but finally their names were given, pledging themselves to total abstinence.
(RH June 12, 1879, 5)
Bro. Hunter, who was then called upon to speak, responded by giving a very impressive testimony as to how the truth found him, and what it had done for him. He stated that he had drank liquor enough to float a ship, and that now he wanted to accept the whole truth, reform and all. He had given up liquor and tobacco, and this morning he had drank his last cup of coffee. He believed the testimonies were of God, and he wished to be led by the will of God expressed in them.
(RH June 12, 1879, 6)
As the result of the meeting, one hundred and thirty-two names were signed to the teetotal pledge, and a decided victory was gained in behalf of temperance.
(RH June 12, 1879, 7)