Monday, August 4, at 4 P. M., I left Oakland, Cal., to attend the Eastern camp-meetings. Although long, the journey has been pleasant, and I am grateful to God that he has thus far sustained me.
(RH October 7, 1884, 1)
About two o'clock Thursday afternoon, we reached Denver, Col., and found that we were to stop there six hours. As we were about to leave the cars, we were glad to meet Elds. Jones and Ostrander, who were laboring here. A brother was at the station with his hack to take us to the tent. Besides the large tent, they had four small ones neatly fitted up for the accommodation of the laborers,—ministers, canvassers, and those engaged in missionary work.
(RH October 7, 1884, 2)
Our train was to leave Denver at eight o'clock, and I was requested to speak at six. Messengers were sent to notify the brethren and sisters. A brother walked four miles to inform one family, and get them to the meeting. At the time appointed there was quite a good congregation out; and I felt it a privilege to speak to them on the work that is to be done in the cause of God, and the qualifications that are essential to fit us to engage in this work. I had freedom in speaking, and enjoyed a very pleasant season with these brethren and sisters. There were a number present who were not of our faith, and these listened with apparent interest.
(RH October 7, 1884, 3)
The duty of elevating the standard of Christianity by adorning our profession, was set before these Christian laborers. Those who are giving themselves to the work of God should aim high; they will never reach a higher standard than that which they aim to attain. They cannot diffuse light until they have first received it. Work done for Christ endures forever; therefore the worker should know that he has the spirit of Jesus, and that he is daily learning in his school lessons that will be carried into practical life. If he consecrates all his powers to Jesus, his work will bear the impress of Heaven. He will work as Jesus worked, with that true humility which is the loveliest of graces, an ornament of great price in the sight of God. This will be the highest proof that Christ abides in the soul.
(RH October 7, 1884, 4)
We all admire humility. We love to see a man who has a low estimate of his own ability,—one who modestly shrinks from responsibilities, not because of indolence, but because he feels the importance of the work, and his own unworthiness to perform it. Such men may be safely urged forward. As long as they make God their strength, they will not betray sacred trusts.
(RH October 7, 1884, 5)
Some who feel capable of bearing responsibilities do not look to God for wisdom; they are self-sufficient, and are left to stumble and fall. There is everywhere seen a disposition to want the highest place, to seek for supremacy; and many, when they fail of their object, feel that their great ability is not appreciated. Such workers trouble the churches. It would be a relief if they would cease to work in the cause; for they never think that they are treated with the consideration they deserve. We are sick at heart of these pretentious men, who would force their own virtues and excellences upon the attention of others, and who are more than willing to assume responsibilities which they are not fitted to bear.
(RH October 7, 1884, 6)
But in every department of the cause of God there are plenty of openings for those who will work in the spirit of humility that characterized the Master. From every direction voices are calling to us for help. Ministers alone can never do this work. There is an abundance of talent in the church that should be put to use. There are men and women who have ability, and whom God would accept as laborers in his cause; but they are shirking responsibilities under the plea of unfitness for the work. Ladies who in the parlor can engage in conversation with wonderful tact and earnestness, shrink from pointing the sinner to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, and then kneeling in prayer, pleading that light may shine into the mind and heart of this precious one for whom Christ died. Oh! there is so much work for God and souls that is left undone because it is a cross, and because each seeks his own amusement, and works for his own selfish interest.
(RH October 7, 1884, 7)
If those whose talents are rusting from inaction would seek the aid of the Spirit of God, and go to work, we should see much more accomplished. Urgent appeals for help would stir hearts; and the response would be made, “We will do what we can in our weakness and ignorance, looking to the great Teacher for wisdom.” Can it be that amid all these open doors for usefulness, these pathetic pleadings for help, men and women will sit with folded hands, or employ those hands only in selfish labor for earthly objects?
(RH October 7, 1884, 8)
“Ye are the light of the world,” said Jesus to his disciples. But how few are conscious of their own power and influence; how few realize what they might do to be a help and a blessing to others. They wrap their talent in a napkin, and bury it in the earth, and flatter themselves that they possess a commendable humility. But the books of Heaven testify against these idlers, as slothful, wicked servants who are grievously sinning against God by neglecting the work which he has given them to do. They will make no plea of unfitness when the heavenly records are opened, revealing their glaring neglect.
(RH October 7, 1884, 9)
Whatever the talent intrusted to us may be, we are required to use it in the service of God, and not in the service of mammon. Satan presented to Christ all the glories of the world in the most attractive light, offering them as a gift if he would worship him. But Jesus said, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” With men Satan has greater success. The alluring charms of the world, which he is capable of presenting in a manner to captivate the senses, in their estimation eclipses the attractions of heaven, and they lose all sense of the value of eternal riches. The abilities which God intrusted to them to be used to the utmost for his glory are devoted to selfish ends. Often men so pervert their talents as to use them to destroy others, to poison the moral atmosphere. For these there is a terrible retribution.
(RH October 7, 1884, 10)
Those who are hiding their talents in the earth are throwing away their opportunities to obtain a star-gemmed crown. Until the great disclosures of the final Judgment shall be made, it will never be known how many men and women have done this, nor how many lives have gone out in darkness because God-given talents have been buried in business instead of being used in the service of the Giver.
(RH October 7, 1884, 11)
God calls upon you, dear brethren and sisters, to place a higher value upon eternal things. You are not to aim to reach the world's standard, but that of the Bible. You must honor your powers, which have been redeemed to God by an infinite price, by using them to save souls. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” Jesus said to his disciples, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” We have a work to do to prepare for the holy and beautiful home which Jesus is preparing for us. We should not be contented with merely gaining that home ourselves, but should be interested, earnest, and faithful in trying to lead others in the way of life, that they too may secure a home in those heavenly mansions.
(RH October 7, 1884, 12)
“None of us liveth to himself,” is the testimony of Paul. The love of Jesus in the heart will be expressed in the life. Bible truth is of heavenly origin, and sanctifies the receiver. It refines the taste, improves the judgment, and ennobles the character. Says John: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” Sons of God, members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King! Can there be any other honor equal to this bestowed on finite man? Yet the world does not discern our relationship to the divine, nor know the source of our strength. They know not that we are heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ to an immortal inheritance. We may inherit all things. We may have a home where there will be no more death, neither sorrow nor sighing.
(RH October 7, 1884, 13)
Men in Colorado may be interested in mines which yield rich profit in silver and gold. They may devote a lifetime to securing earthly treasures; but they die, and leave it all behind. They cannot take one dollar with them to enrich them in the great beyond. Are these men wise? Are they not insane, to let the precious hours of probation pass without making a preparation for the future life? Those who are wise will lay up a “treasure in the heavens, that faileth not,”—“a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” If we would secure enduring riches, let us begin now to transfer our treasure to the other side, and our hearts will be where our treasure is.
(RH October 7, 1884, 14)
When God calls, let us each go willingly to labor in his vineyard. We cannot estimate the possibilities of usefulness that lie undeveloped in hand and brain and heart. We must go to work. The Lord will use human feebleness as well as human strength. It is purity, truth, faithfulness, and love, that sanctifies the work. With hearts full of love to God, we shall not work for human praise, but for the glory of the Master, and the good of souls. If we do our work with fidelity, the benediction from Christ, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” will be our full reward.
(RH October 7, 1884, 15)
Jesus is coming in power and great glory to take his people to himself. Are our lives hid with Christ in God? shall we meet him in peace? God grant that we who composed that little company may meet again around the great white throne, having our robes of character washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb.
(RH October 7, 1884, 16)
When the meeting closed, we bade our friends good-bye, and the hack bore us to the cars to resume our journey eastward.
(RH October 7, 1884, 17)