[Morning talk at Copenhagen, Denmark, July 22, 1886.] EGW
“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.”Romans 12:11.
(RH July 26, 1887, 1)
There are many who will bring into their business much tact, and skill, and zeal, and talent, but they do not feel the necessity of bringing all this, and with greater intensity, into the service of God. While they should be fervent in spirit in the service of God, they should not be slothful in business; they should not permit temporal and earthly things to so absorb all the powers of mind which God has given them that they will not manifest diligence in his service. The reason why there is not more spiritual strength and power with the little companies of believers that compose our churches in different places, is because the business cares of life are made their first and highest object, and absorb their time and their thoughts.
(RH July 26, 1887, 2)
Brethren and sisters, this should not be thus, because of the greatness of the subject of present truth. God speaks in his word to man. It is truth revealed, to be carried as a light that burneth into the darkened chambers of the mind, bringing order out of that which was to the mind confusion. It is truth revealing the darkness of error. The truth should be exalted in every mind. And where there are small companies in different places, who have accepted the truth, it is important that you who help compose their number should make their devotional services full of life and intensely interesting. There are many who do not seem to feel that spirituality must have food to give it sinew and muscle; that man must live “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” The word of God “liveth and abideth forever.” It must be brought into the life, and then earnestness will be brought into the religious service. Every one should feel that he is responsible to God for all the talent he has given him, and that he should use these entrusted talents to God's glory. Every true Christian is a missionary. While in this world, we are to consider ourselves in active service for the Master; and we should make this message of present truth which God has sent into our world of the highest importance. There are those who have an understanding of the Scriptures theoretically, and yet the religious meetings under their charge are spiritless and of no vital interest to the worshipers. God has given us tact; and if we have any power of influence, let us bring this power into active service for him. There are precious gems of truth revealed in the word of God which should awaken the deepest interest in the minds of all Bible believers. Then let him who opens the Scriptures cultivate fervency of spirit, that he may draw minds near to the Author of the word; and if there is a spirit of fervency encouraged in our hearts, we will not only have tact to interest others, but our own souls will be kept alive, our own hearts will feel the quickening influences of the life of his word. Every one who is brought into the service of Jesus Christ should seek to his very utmost to present the truth as it is in Jesus. There will be diligence to bring zeal and earnestness into his work. The Lord wants us to learn the trade of serving him in the most acceptable manner. The one who is engaged in the work of putting up buildings, has to learn the carpenter's trade; and if he is a faithful worker, not slothful in business, he will show continual increase of knowledge, and a perfection in his work. Will our Heavenly Father be pleased with work done in his service in a careless, indolent manner? We must educate ourselves to do the very best work for our Master.
(RH July 26, 1887, 3)
When I first felt the burden for souls, I was a little past fourteen years of age; but, oh! how I pleaded with God to know what I could say to my young associates that they might be led in the right way! I felt that I must have success; that I must do the work for the Master, and God would give me wisdom. When I was sixteen years old I commenced active labor in public. I felt that I must meet my work in the Judgment, and that the manner in which I did this work would be registered in the books of heaven. I wrestled and agonized with God that he would give me wisdom, that his work might not be marred in my hands, but be acceptable. For more than forty years I have been engaged in active work for my Master, and today I feel in just as much need to seek God for wisdom to present the truth to others as I did when I was sixteen years old. And every time I attempt to speak to the people, I feel deeply that I have not done the work as perfectly as it should have been done. I am deeply humbled because I do not reflect more light, and I plead with God that he will give me more grace, more wisdom, that I may do his work with greater completeness.
(RH July 26, 1887, 4)
And this should be the anxiety of every worker, to reach a higher standard. We shall never graduate in this life, but should keep every power upon the stretch for more knowledge. You do not want to labor in such a spiritless way that the people will go to sleep under your words, but you want to bring earnestness and fervency into your prayers, and into your Bible readings, and into your preaching, that you may leave the impression that the sacred truths you are presenting to others are to you a living reality. Whatever you do for Jesus, seek with all your powers to do it with earnestness. Never feel that you have attained to the highest point, and can therefore rise no higher. I often feel agony of spirit as I look over the wide field, and see so few to do the missionary work and open the word of God to those who are in darkness. The very work that is essential for every one who receives the present truth, is to aim at perfection of character, and thoroughness in winning souls to Christ. Be determined that you will advance and improve in your work, and then you will be continually progressing; for those who have received this light feel that they must bring more of the Spirit of Christ into their own life and character as they advance, else they cannot bring it into the lives of others. And you can make the most of every opportunity while in conversation with your friends, to make your words a blessing to them. Set your mind to task, that you may present the truth in a manner to interest them. Seize the most interesting portions of Scripture that you can bring before them, come right to the point, and seek to fasten their attention, and instruct them in the ways of the Lord.
(RH July 26, 1887, 5)
There was a general superintendent of Sabbath-schools, who, while addressing a Sabbath-school upon one occasion, was very dry, lengthy, and uninteresting. A mother asked her daughter of ten years if she enjoyed the exercise, and also What did the minister say? Said the little girl, “He said, and he said, and he said, and he didn't say anything.” Now we do not want any such account of our labor as that. We want the very best of training for the work that we can possibly have ourselves, so that we can make a success in teaching others the things that we have learned. We see the world is spreading out its attractions and allurements in this city, and how difficult to engage the attention of lovers of pleasure! The mania for pleasure is taking nearly the whole world; and if we become careless, and say the most commonplace things in the most uninteresting manner, we cannot expect to succeed in interesting the people and winning souls to the truth.
(RH July 26, 1887, 6)
It is the duty of every one who embraces the truth to be thoroughly converted and in earnest. Whether he is called to be a preacher or a colporter, or in whatever branch he is to work, he should feel that he must bring into the work all the fervency, earnestness, and zeal he can command. It is your duty to prove yourselves true soldiers of Jesus Christ, that you may bring under the banner of Prince Immanuel many faithful soldiers who will be an honor to the cause of God. I hope that every one of us will feel that we are responsible to bring all our strength of intellect into the Master's service here, so that the religion of Jesus Christ will be exalted. We have the greatest truth and hope that were ever given to our world, and the greatest faith; and we want to represent this in its exalted character to the world. We do not want to assume the attitude as though we were passing through the world begging pardon of the world because we venture to believe this precious sacred truth; but we want to walk humbly with God, and conduct ourselves as though we were children of the Most High God, and, although feeble instruments, as though we were handling most important and interesting subjects, higher and more exalted than any temporal, worldly themes.
(RH July 26, 1887, 7)
If Jesus is abiding in the heart, we will speak of him with tearful eyes and trembling lips. We are to carry the power of the Highest with us; show that we have a connection with God. Those who attempt to open the Scriptures to others, should make the most of their God-given abilities. They should grow continually in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They should be in earnest, and seek to progress in all their work. They should have a sense of the responsibility resting upon them, and remember that their words and their works are a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. It is the very Spirit and life of Jesus that we should have with us continually. Says the Great Teacher: “I give unto them eternal life; ... neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” Nothing can separate the living Christian from the living God. Are we Christians?
(RH July 26, 1887, 8)
Would that every one of you could have a view that was presented to me years ago. When in my very girlhood the Lord saw fit to open before me the glories of heaven. I was in vision taken to heaven, and the angel said to me, “Look!” I looked to the world as it was in dense darkness. The agony that came over me was indescribable as I saw this darkness. Again the word came. “Look! ye.” And again I looked intensely over the world, and I began to see jets of light like stars dotted all through this darkness; and then I saw another and another added light, and so all through this moral darkness the star-like lights were increasing. And the angel said, These are they that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and are obeying the words of Christ. These are the light of the world; and if it were not for these lights, the judgments of God would immediately fall upon the transgressors of God's law. I saw then these little jets of light growing brighter, shining forth from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, and lighting the whole world. Occasionally one of these lights would begin to grow dim, and others would go out, and every time that this occurred there was sadness and weeping in heaven. And then some of these lights would grow brighter and brighter, and increase in brilliancy; and their light was far reaching, and many more lights were added to it. Then there was rejoicing in heaven. I saw that the rays of light came directly from Jesus, to form these precious jets of light in the world.
(RH July 26, 1887, 9)
If you once would get the understanding that you are the light of the world, you would feel that a great responsibility rested upon you. Every jot and tittle of this light in the world was reflected from heaven; and I entreat of you who have a part to act in the work of God, not to feel satisfied until you bring all the power God has given you in trust into the work. You may have discouraged feelings and be despondent, but that should not lead you to neglect God's work. Can you expect anything else when Satan is trying to bring all the darkness around you possible, to surround your soul every moment? It is for you to say every moment, The Lord lives, and because he lives I shall live also.
(RH July 26, 1887, 10)
Brethren and sisters, are we Christians? Are we transformed by the grace of God? Do not let unbelief come into your minds because you do not feel at all times all that assurance that you are a child of God. If you have committed sins, repent of them, confess them, and then believe that God hears you, and come to his arms, and do not let your lips utter one word of unbelief. If we “sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I have had my soul frequently weighed down like a cart beneath sheaves, but I have not allowed my lips to utter one word of discouragement, fearing I might cast a shadow upon the lives of others. I could bear the testimony of truth that Jesus has died for me. I will magnify him, and I will not dishonor God with my lips. I will trust him in the shadow as well as in the light.
(RH July 26, 1887, 11)
May the Lord help every individual here to realize his accountability to God. I want to represent the religion of Jesus Christ as it is. Why, you are to feel that you are the most favored of all people upon the face of the earth. You are not to feel that you are the meanest of creation because you believe the truth. People may look upon you and despise you because you will not go with them in the path of transgression; but you must feel that you are the children of God, highly honored of him. With divine light let his praise be in your heart and upon your lips, and God will look upon you with favor, and you can keep your soul lifted up, triumphing in God. You can say, I love Jesus because he first loved me. He will save me because he has bought me with an infinite price. Then let us move right forward and upward, in the path that is cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, rejoicing at every step.
(RH July 26, 1887, 12)