[Morning talk at Chicago, Ill., April 5, 1889.] EGW
I believe that the Lord is willing to let his blessing rest upon us. I know that he is waiting to be gracious to us. The reason why we do not have more light is that we do not follow Jesus; for he says, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” He has invited us to follow him; but to follow him means something more than a profession of religion. We are not following him when we make only surface work in the Christian life. We want to follow him in everything, in self-denial, in self-sacrifice, in humiliation, in meekness, and in love. We must learn to manifest love and compassion toward those with whom we come in contact. We should have a far-reaching influence; we should not be self-centered.
(RH June 25, 1889, 1)
The professed people of God follow their own inclinations to a far greater extent than they follow in the lowly steps of the Man of Calvary. Our will should be in harmony with the will of Christ as his will is in harmony with the will of his Father. We are to be one with Christ as he is one with the Father. And if we come into this position, the promise is that the Father will love us as he loves the Son. How is it that this can be so? It can be so because we have appropriated the righteousness of Christ by living faith. It is because we are one with him, and our souls are all light in the Lord. Our minds and hearts may be so filled with his love that we shall count affliction as all joy, because we shall know that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold, and that these trials will be found unto glory and joy at the appearing of Jesus. We do not see the glory of trials now, but we shall understand it when Christ comes; and every trial that has been borne with patience will be rewarded.
(RH June 25, 1889, 2)
The Lord is shedding abundance of light upon us, and he expects us to walk in it. Will we seek to redeem the neglect of light in the past, by a faithful improvement of our privileges now? Will we come up to the high standard that has been set before us? We have dwelt too long in the lowlands of earth. There have been too many Christless sermons preached. The discourses of many ministers have been simply words that have not touched anywhere. They have not encouraged Christians, or convicted sinners, or led backsliders away from their transgressions. They have been devoid of the power of God.
(RH June 25, 1889, 3)
We should seek to make the most of our opportunities at this meeting. We should confess our sins, clear the rubbish from the door of the heart, and open the soul for the presence of Jesus. Let each one take these words of instruction to his own heart. Do not act as did Peter when the Lord pointed out his duty, and turn and ask what some one else should do. Let us attend to our own work, and do our duty, and not be so anxious to know what may be some other person's duty. The Lord turned to Peter, and said, “What is that to thee? Follow thou me.” We are to look to Christ. There is perfection in him. We can be cleansed from every spot and stain through the merit of his blood. His righteousness may be imputed unto us.
(RH June 25, 1889, 4)
If we look to man, we shall see mistakes of life and defects of character. We shall see the same human frailties in others that there are in ourselves. But we are to look to the Pattern, to follow Christ, and to make straight paths for our feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way.
(RH June 25, 1889, 5)
Do not be afraid to confess your sins and to clear the King's highway. Jesus is not far away. He is at your right hand to help you. The promise is, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” When you confess your sins, it is your privilege to believe this promise, but not because you have a happy flight of feeling. Feeling is not faith. Faith is just as distinct from feeling as the east is from the west. You are to believe that God will accept you when you fulfill his conditions, believing his word because he has spoken it. You must rely upon the word of God; and unless you have faith that can rest upon the word of God, you cannot make a success of the Christian life. Ministers cannot preach effectively without it. They must have a sense of the solemn responsibility that rests upon them.
(RH June 25, 1889, 6)
We are to hold up the Man of Calvary, to flash his light to those who are sitting in darkness. You should not yield to discouragement. You should not think that there are none who care to serve God, or obey the truth. Elijah became disheartened as he saw how Israel had departed from the Lord, and he thought that he was the only one left who loved the cause of Jehovah. But the Lord told him that there were seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal. There are many in the world who are longing to understand in regard to Christ and his love. There are many who are in despair as they hear the terrible doctrine of eternal punishment, and they need your help. If they were in your position, with the light flashing all around their pathway, they would go to others who are in despair and sorrow; for they would appreciate their need of help. If you will try to seek out these suffering souls, the angels of God will attend you; and you need not fear to go where they will go. Ministers, you should have the angels with you in the sacred desk; and when you do, you will be a power for God. Your words may be as nails fastened in a sure place. You need not try to be eloquent, or to preach learned discourses. David charged Solomon to show himself a man, to keep the charge of the Lord, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes and commandments, judgments and testimonies. He did not charge him to be a great statesman or hero, but to be a man before the Lord. To be a man before the Lord is to be kind and sympathetic. It is to be compassionate and Christlike. We need men who can be called men before God,—men who are in the image of Christ,—men with human hearts, full of tenderness and love.
(RH June 25, 1889, 7)
The converting power of God is needed right among us. We should make a complete surrender to God, that he may fashion us according to his will. We should seek him earnestly, and not permit anything to divert the mind, until we know that we are indeed the children of Heaven. Why not make up your mind that you will not retain anything that separates the soul from God? Say, “Here is my heart. I open the door. Come in, Lord Jesus, come in. I am thine, and thou art mine.” If you will do this, he has promised that he will put a new song in your mouth, even praise unto your God.
(RH June 25, 1889, 8)
You are to reflect glory to God, and through his grace live day by day a life that will be pleasing before Heaven. The light of Christ is to illuminate your pathway. If you fulfill his conditions, he says, “Thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward.” If the glory of the Lord is your rearward, will you not leave a marked wake after your course? Will you not have sheaves to bring to the Master?
(RH June 25, 1889, 9)
Put away all doubt. Dismiss your fears, obtain the experience that Paul had when he exclaimed, “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Surrender everything to Christ, and let your life be hid with Christ in God. Then you will be a power for good. One shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.
(RH June 25, 1889, 10)