The Service of the Young Essential to the Work of God
“I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”
(RH May 20, 1890, 1)
The work of God is in need of youthful ardor, zeal, and courage. Mental and physical vigor are essential for the advancement of the cause of God. To plan with clear mind and execute with courageous hand demands fresh and uncrippled energies. In order that the work may be forwarded in all its branches, God calls for youthful ardor. Young men and young women are invited to give him the strength of their youth, that through the exercise of their God-given powers, through healthful thought and vigorous action, they may bring glory to God and salvation to men. God calls upon you, young men, to make the most of the powers intrusted to you. Cultivate the habit of doing your best in everything you undertake. God is your Master, and you are his employed servants. The Holy Spirit must come in contact with your spirit, that it may divinely restore your soul, working your sanctification, and giving life and power to your efforts. When the life of God is restored to the soul, we rest in God, and are clothed with the righteousness of Christ.
(RH May 20, 1890, 2)
As students, you are ever to be learning in the school of Christ; you are to bring your intrusted capital of physical and mental energy into your work. God will not accept of a divided heart. There are men and women who should be educating themselves for canvassers, and for Bible-readers. They should put away every unholy thought and corrupting practice, that they may be sanctified through the truth. They should be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Nothing less than the power of God will make and keep you right. You are to offer to God nothing less than your best. You should do better and better work as you put in practice what you learn. You should seek to fathom every subject requiring your investigation, comparing not only the ideas and thoughts of men concerning the matter, but also comparing scripture with scripture, that you may know that you do know every point of the faith. The taxation of your mind will only strengthen your mental powers for greater effort. If you are content with superficial knowledge, if you fail to investigate the Scriptures for yourselves, if you depend upon the assertions of others, you will become incapable of searching out any matter for yourselves. Your mind will become accustomed to superficial exercise, and be unfitted to appreciate the value of hidden gems of truth, to obtain which, it will require effort. You will think yourselves well advanced when your attainment is of an inferior order.
(RH May 20, 1890, 3)
Unless the mind is used, it will cease to expand; unless the taste is cultivated to love the Bible, it will cease to relish the truths of God's word. The student can see only to the depth of what he has explored, and he cannot appreciate that which lies beyond the compass of his own narrow boundaries. But his very ignorance will make him conceited, talkative, and boastful. What can I say to you, young men and young women, to arouse you to vigor in your efforts to overcome obstacles? Mental effort will become easier and more satisfactory as you put yourselves to the task of understanding the deep things of God. You should each decide that you will not be a second-class student, that you will not allow others to think for you. You should say, “That which other minds have acquired in the sciences and in the word of God, I will obtain for myself through painstaking effort.” You can rally the mind's best powers, and with a sense of your accountability to God, you can do your best, and you will not cease to advance, and to conquer difficulties. Do not settle down in slothful ease, making no special effort to accomplish your work. Make a choice of some part in the large vineyard of the Master, and do a work that will require the exercise of tact and talent. As much as possible, place yourselves in the society of those who are intellectual, who will be able to detect your mistakes, and to put you on your guard against indolence, pretension, and surface work. A blusterer will be recognized and set down for just what he is worth and no more.
(RH May 20, 1890, 4)
Those who have entered the canvassing field are in danger of not feeling the necessity of being particular in their work. They are in danger of becoming content with superficial attainments, of being careless in their manners and lazy in mind. There should be faithful discharge of duty in the canvassing field, for it is important and sacred. Teachers in the canvassing work have grave responsibilities to bear. Those who rightly comprehend their position, will direct and instruct those under their care with a sense of their personal accountability, and will inspire others to fidelity in the cause. They will be much in prayer, they will understand that their words and actions are making impressions that will not be easily effaced, but will be as enduring as eternity. They will realize that no other can come after them and correct their mistakes, or supply their deficiencies. How important it is, then, that the teachers’ subject, manner, and spirit are after God's order.
(RH May 20, 1890, 5)
Schools are established to prepare men and women for intelligent work in the Master's vineyard. The indolent may be aroused, the thoughtless may become serious, by taking up some portion of the work of God. Through proper instruction, through painstaking effort, the thoughtless may become successful light-bearers in the moral darkness of the world. Patient, conscientious teachers are needed to arouse hope and aspiration in the youth, that they may realize what are the possibilities of improvement. Teachers are needed who will train students to do excellent service for the Master. Those who undertake the work of educating others, will need patience, that they may carry their pupils forward from one point to another in intellectual and spiritual attainment. Those who instruct in the various branches of the work, should feel how great is the responsibility that rests upon them. They need enlarged views, for their work, in its influence, ranks with that of the Christian minister. Meetings for instruction should be called, time should be given, facilities should be provided, that all the knowledge possible may be imparted during the meeting. The work of co-operating with the gospel minister in carrying the present truth to all nations, tongues, and peoples, is indeed a most essential one. It should be conducted in a manner in keeping with the exalted truth which we profess to love. Through the canvassing work, the minds of many who are now absorbed in iniquity and error, may be enlightened. Through this agency a people may be prepared to stand in the great day of God which is just before us. Lower views of the work will be dishonoring to God.
(RH May 20, 1890, 6)
The canvassing work should be considered as sacred, and those who have unclean hands and defiled hearts should not be encouraged to enter upon it. The angels of God cannot accompany the unconsecrated to the homes of the people; therefore all those who are not converted, whose thoughts are corrupt, who will leave the taint of their imperfection upon everything they touch, should refrain from handling the truth of God.
(RH May 20, 1890, 7)
Young men and women who are truly converted, will depart from all iniquity. Those who are not pure in heart, have no hold upon divine power, they are not partakers of the divine nature, and they will prove ready victims to Satan's suggestions and temptations. They will not show fidelity under trial; but when they are rebuffed, they will become discouraged, because God does not work with their efforts. The high and holy One who inhabiteth eternity will not put his Holy Spirit into unclean vessels. Those who have not a proper sense of the character of the work for these last days, should not aspire to a place in the cause of God. If they see the offensive character of sin, and hate it as the vile thing it is, and come to Jesus in contrition, purifying their souls by obedience to the truth, then they may be intrusted with some part in the work. If they place their will on the side of God's will, putting forth the energy with which God has endowed them, he will receive them and shed his grace in their hearts. But if those who have become weak in physical and moral power by evil works, seek a place in the work of God, they should be advised to employ themselves in manual labor. Such employment will be more favorable for the working out of their salvation. They should rely wholly on Christ for his grace to overcome. Those who have enfeebled their physical and mental powers by evil practices, need to walk very humbly before God. God reads the heart, he weighs the character, and is acquainted with every man's work. He gives his Spirit in proportion to the consecration and self-sacrifice manifested by those who engage in his work.
(RH May 20, 1890, 8)
Heaven is ashamed of many who are engaged in all branches of the work, and especially is Heaven ashamed of those who are called to the sacred desk, and yet who do not try to do their best. Many read newspapers and periodicals and books, and neglect the study of their Bibles. They do not wrestle with God in the closet, for the help which he alone can give. They go forth to their work spiritless and without Christ. Ministers go before their congregations, presenting fragments of a long-used discourse, instead of a fresh portion of meat in due season for the people. They drift into dry, controverted subjects, and the flock of God is unfed.
(RH May 20, 1890, 9)