〉 January 9, 1900
January 9, 1900
“Come Out From Among Them, and Be Ye Separate”
Provision has been made whereby the communication between heaven and our souls may be free and open. Finite man can place himself where rays of light and glory from the throne of God will be given him in abundance. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God which shines in the face of Jesus Christ may shine upon him. He may stand where it can be said of him, “Ye are the light of the world.” Were it not for the communication between heaven and earth, there would be no light in the world. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, all men would perish beneath the just judgment of God. But the world is not left in darkness. The long-suffering mercy of God is still extended to the children of men, and it is his design that the rays of light which emanate from the throne of God shall be reflected by the children of light. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 1)
The love revealed in Christ's life of self-denial and self-sacrifice is to be seen in the life of his followers. We are called “so to walk, even as he walked.” The cause of our weakness is our refusal to obey this command. On every side opportunities are given us to work for our fellow men, in supplying not only their temporal wants, but also their spiritual necessities. It is our duty to lead souls to “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” It is important that we fill aright our position in the world, in society, and in the church; but in order to do this, we must have a firm hold upon righteousness. Our faith must reach within the veil, whither our Forerunner has for us entered. If we would take hold of the eternal promises of God, we must have a faith that will not be denied, a steadfast, immovable faith that will take hold of the unseen. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 2)
It is our privilege to stand with the light of heaven upon us. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. It was no easier for Enoch to live a righteous life than it is for us at the present time. The world in his time was no more favorable to growth in grace and holiness than it is now. It was by prayer and communion with God that Enoch was enabled to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. We are living in the perils of the last days, and we must receive our strength from the same source. We must walk with God. A separation from the world is required of us; for we can not remain free from its pollution unless we follow the example of the faithful Enoch. But how many are slaves to the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. They are not partakers of the divine nature, and therefore they can not escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. They live to serve and honor self. Their constant study is, What shall I eat? what shall I drink? and wherewithal shall I be clothed? You talk of sacrifice, but you do not know what sacrifice means. You have not tasted its first draught. You talk of the cross of Christ, you profess the faith; but you have had no experience in lifting the cross and bearing it after your Lord. If you were partakers of the divine nature, the Spirit that dwelt in Christ would dwell in you. His tenderness and love, his pity and compassion, would be manifested in your life. You would not then wait to have the needy and unfortunate brought to you. You would not need to be entreated to feel for the woes of others. It would be as natural for you to minister to the needs of the unfortunate as it was for Christ to go about doing good. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 3)
Those who profess the religion of Christ should understand the responsibility resting upon them. They should feel that this is an individual work, an individual preaching of Christ. If each would realize this, and take hold of the work, we should be as mighty as an army with banners. The heavenly Dove would hover over us. The light of the glory of God would be no more shut away from us than it was from the devoted Enoch. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 4)
The command is given, “Come out from among them, and be ye separate.” But it is not for you to say, I have nothing to do with my neighbor. He is buried in the world; I am not his keeper. For this very reason you should have something to say to him. The light given you, you are not to hide under a bushel. It was not given you for yourself alone. Let your light shine before men, is the command. Will you let it shine? It may be understood that you believe the seventh day is the Sabbath, that you believe in the Lord's soon return; but what good will this do your neighbor unless you carry your belief into your daily life? You may talk of being a follower of Christ; but this will not benefit those around you unless you imitate the great Example. Your profession may be as high as heaven; but this will not save you or your fellow men unless you are Christlike. A pure example will do more to enlighten the world than all your profession. In this way your light will shine, and others, seeing your good works, will glorify your Father who is in heaven. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 5)
Oh that the Lord would lead us to feel as we have never felt before! If you knew that you had but one hour more of probation, you would change your course. You would not dare to stand in the position you are in today. And yet you do not know that you will live one day longer. You can not call one hour your own. We know not how soon death may feel for our heart-strings. We know not how soon the ax will be laid at the root of the tree, and the sentence go forth, “Cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?” Will you pass on in your sinful state, with envy and jealousy and hatred in your hearts? If you think you can lay down the oar, and still make your way up stream, you mistake. It is only by earnest effort that you can stem the current. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 6)
How many there are as weak as water who might have a never-failing source of strength. Heaven is ready to impart to us, that we may be mighty in God, and attain to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. What increase of spiritual power have you gained during the last year? Who among us have gained one precious attainment after another, until envy, pride, malice, jealousy, and selfishness have been swept away, and only the graces of the Spirit remain,—meekness, forbearance, gentleness, charity? God will help us if we take hold of the help he has provided. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 7)
These words are true, and you need them. Oh that you would arouse, and wrench your souls from the grasp of the enemy! Oh that you would engage in the battle of life in earnest, putting on the whole armor of God that you may war successfully! Satan is already weaving his net about you. He does not wait for his prey to be brought to him. He goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But does he always roar?—No; when it serves his purpose, he sinks his voice to the softest whisper, and, wrapped in garments of light, appears as an angel from heaven. Men have so little knowledge of his wiles, so little understanding of the mystery of iniquity, that he outgenerals them almost every time. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 8)
Many who have lived under the blazing light of truth act as if they had nothing to do. God calls upon every one of you to take up life's burdens, to engage in the warfare as you have never done before. You who love to speak of the faults of others, arouse, and look into your own hearts. Take your Bibles, and go to God in earnest prayer. Ask him to teach you to know yourself, to understand your weakness, your sins and follies, in the light of eternity. Ask him to show you yourself as you stand in the sight of heaven. This is an individual work. Every man is to build over against his own house. You have nothing to do with the sins of others, but you have much to do with yourself. In humility send your petition to God, and do not rest day nor night until you can say, Hear what the Lord hath done for me,—until you can bear a living testimony, and tell of victories won. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 9)
Jacob wrestled with the angel all night before he gained the victory. When morning broke, the angel said, “Let me go, for the day breaketh.” But Jacob answered, “I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” Then his prayer was answered. “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob,” said the angel, “but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.” We need the perseverance of Jacob, and the unyielding faith of Elijah. Time after time Elijah sent his servant to see if the cloud was rising, but no cloud was to be seen. At last, after seven times, the servant returned with the word, “There ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand.” Did Elijah stand back and say, I will not receive this evidence; I will wait till the heavens gather blackness?—No. He said, It is time for us to be going. He ventured all upon that token from God, and sent his messenger before him to tell Ahab that there was the sound of abundance of rain. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 10)
It is such faith as this that we need, faith that will take hold, and will not let go. Inspiration tells us that Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are. Heaven heard his prayer. He prayed that rain might cease, and there was no rain. Again he prayed for rain, and rain was sent. And why should not the Lord be entreated in behalf of his people today? Oh that the Lord would imbue us with his Spirit! Oh that the curtain might be rolled back that we might understand the mystery of godliness! (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 11)
God calls upon you to put all your strength into the work. You will have to render an account for the good you might have done had you been standing in the right position. It is time you were co-workers with Christ and the heavenly angels. Will you awake? There are souls among you who need your help. Have you felt a burden to bring them to the cross? Bear in mind that just the degree of love you have for God you will reveal for your brethren, and for souls who are lost and undone, out of Christ. (RH January 9, 1900, Art. A, 12)
Disease and Its Causes
Care of Children
Parents are accountable, in a great degree, for the physical health of their children. Those children who survive the abuses received in their infancy, are not out of danger in their childhood. Their parents still pursue a wrong course toward them. Their limbs, as well as their arms, are left almost naked. Mothers dress the upper part of their limbs with muslin pantalets, which reach about to the knee, while the lower part of their limbs is covered with only one thickness of flannel or cotton, and their feet are dressed with thin-soled gaiter boots. (RH January 9, 1900, 1)
The extremities are chilled, and the heart has thrown upon it double labor, in forcing the blood into these chilled extremities; and when the blood has performed its circuit through the body, and returned to the heart, it is not the same vigorous warm current that left it. It has been chilled in its passage through the limbs. The heart, weakened by too great labor, and poor circulation of poor blood, is then compelled to still greater exertion, in order to throw the blood to the extremities, which are never as healthfully warm as other parts of the body. The heart fails in its efforts, and the limbs become habitually cold; and the blood, which is chilled away from the extremities, is thrown back upon the lungs and brain, and inflammation and congestion of the lungs or of the brain is the result. (RH January 9, 1900, 2)
God holds mothers accountable for the diseases their children are compelled to suffer. Mothers bow at the shrine of fashion, and sacrifice the health and lives of their children. Many mothers are ignorant of the result of their course in thus clothing their children. But should they not inform themselves, where so much is at stake? Is ignorance a sufficient excuse for you who possess reasoning powers? You can inform yourselves if you will, and dress your children healthfully. (RH January 9, 1900, 3)
Parents may give up the expectation of their children's having health while they dress them in cloaks and furs, and load down those portions of the body with clothing where there is no call for such an amount, while leaving the extremities, which should have especial protection, almost naked. The portions of the body close to the lifesprings need less covering than the limbs, which are remote from the vital organs. If the limbs and feet could have the extra coverings usually put upon the shoulders, lungs, and heart, and healthy circulation be induced to the extremities, the vital organs would act their part healthfully, with only their share of clothing. (RH January 9, 1900, 4)
I appeal to you, mothers; do you not feel alarmed and heartsick in seeing your children pale and dwarfed, suffering with catarrh, influenza, croup, scrofulous swellings upon the face and neck, inflammation and congestion of lungs and brain? Have you studied from cause to effect? Have you provided for them a simple, nutritious diet, free from grease and spices? Have you not been influenced by fashion, in clothing your children? Leaving their arms and limbs insufficiently protected has been the cause of a vast amount of disease and premature deaths. There is no reason why the feet and limbs of your girls should not be in every way as warmly clad as those of your boys. Boys, accustomed to exercise out of doors, become inured to cold and exposure, and are actually less liable to colds when thinly clad than are the girls, because the open air seems to be their natural element. Delicate girls accustom themselves to live indoors, in a heated atmosphere, and yet they go from the heated room out of doors with their limbs and feet seldom better protected from the cold than while remaining in a warm room. The air soon chills their limbs and feet, and prepares the way for disease. (RH January 9, 1900, 5)
Your girls should wear the waists of their dresses perfectly loose, and should have a style of dress convenient, comfortable, and modest. In cold weather they should wear warm flannel or cotton drawers, which can be placed inside the stockings. Over these should be warm lined pants, which may be full, gathered into a band and buttoned around the ankle, or they may taper at the bottom and meet the shoe. The dress should reach below the knee. With this style of dress, one light skirt, or at most two, is all that is necessary, and should be buttoned to a waist. The shoes should be thick-soled, and perfectly comfortable. With this style of dress, your girls will be no more in danger in the open air than are your boys. And their health would be much better were they to live more out of doors, even in winter, than to be confined to the warm air of a room heated by a stove. (RH January 9, 1900, 6)
It is a sin in the sight of heaven for parents to dress their children as they do. The only excuse that they can make is that it is fashion. They can not plead modesty in thus exposing the limbs of their children, with only one covering drawn tight over them. They can not plead that it is healthful, or really attractive. Because others will continue to follow this health-and life-destroying practice, is no excuse for those who style themselves reformers. Because everybody around you follows a fashion that is injurious to health, it will not make your sin a whit the less, nor be any guaranty for the health and life of your children. (RH January 9, 1900, 7)