God has lent men talents—an intellect to originate, a heart to be the place of His throne, affection to flow out in blessings to others, a conscience to convict of sin. Each one has received something from the Master, and each one is to do his part in supplying the needs of God's work.
(RH April 9, 1901, 1)
God desires His workers to look to Him as the giver of all they possess, to remember that all they have and are comes from Him who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. The delicate touch of the physician's hand, his power over nerve and muscle, his knowledge of the delicate organism of the body, are the wisdom of divine power, to be used in behalf of suffering humanity. The skill with which the carpenter uses the hammer, the strength with which the blacksmith makes the anvil ring, come from God. He has intrusted men with talents, and He desires them to look to Him for counsel. Thus they may use His gifts with unerring aptitude, testifying that they are workers together with God.
(RH April 9, 1901, 2)
Property is a talent. To His people the Lord sends the message, “Sell that ye have, and give alms.” All that we have is the Lord's, without any question. He calls upon us to awake, to bear a share of the burdens of His cause, that prosperity may attend His work. Every Christian is to act His part as a faithful steward. The methods of God are sensible and right, and we are to trade on our pence and our pounds, returning our freewill offerings to Him to sustain His work, to bring souls to Christ. Large and small sums should flow into the Lord's treasury. All the people of God are to pay a faithful tithe. This is the Lord's portion, and He will reward a faithful return to Him of His own.
(RH April 9, 1901, 3)
The Lord Jesus, whose we are by creation and by redemption, has pointed out our duty. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness,” He says, “and all these things shall be added unto you.” Those who choose to gratify every selfish desire will be judged accordingly. Living to please self, they dishonor God.
(RH April 9, 1901, 4)
Speech is a talent. Of all the gifts bestowed on the human family, none should be more appreciated than the gift of speech. It is to be used to declare God's wisdom and wondrous love. Thus the treasures of His grace and wisdom are to be communicated.
(RH April 9, 1901, 5)
An indwelling Saviour is revealed by the words. But the Holy Spirit does not abide in the heart of him who is peevish if others do not agree with his ideas and plans. From the lips of such a man there come scathing remarks, which grieve the Spirit away, and develop attributes that are satanic rather than divine. The Lord desires those connected with His work to speak at all times with the meekness of Christ. If you are provoked, do not become impatient. Manifest the gentleness of which Christ has given us an example in His life.
(RH April 9, 1901, 6)
As Christians we should speak as Christ would speak were He in our place. We long to see reforms, but often because things do not move just as we wish them to move, an evil spirit puts drops of gall into our cup, and other souls are poisoned. By our ill-advised words they are chafed and stirred to rebellion. Make it your aim to speak the truth in love. Then the Lord Jesus by His Spirit will supply the force and power. Do not mingle self with anything done for God. Ever reveal the meek and lowly spirit of the Master.
(RH April 9, 1901, 7)
All who claim to serve God should show by word and action that they are His children. To show by the daily life that we are members of the royal family is of more value in God's sight than all learning, all high accomplishments.
(RH April 9, 1901, 8)
Strength is a talent, and is to be used to glorify God. Our bodies belong to Him. He has paid the price of redemption for the body as well as for the soul. “Ye are not your own; for ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.” God is the great Care-taker of the human machinery. Were it not for His constant care, the pulse would not beat, the action of the heart would cease, the brain would no longer act its part.
(RH April 9, 1901, 9)
The brain is the organ and instrument of the mind, and controls the whole body. In order for the other parts of the system to be healthy, the brain must be healthy; and in order for the brain to be healthy, the blood must be pure. If, by correct habits of eating and drinking, the blood is kept pure, the brain will be properly nourished.
(RH April 9, 1901, 10)
We can serve God better in the vigor of health than in the palsy of disease; therefore we should co-operate with God in the care of our bodies. Love for God is essential for life and health. Faith in God is essential for health. In order to have perfect health, our hearts must be filled with love and hope and joy in the Lord.
(RH April 9, 1901, 11)
The tastes are to be elevated, the appetite subdued, by those who are seeking for the eternal inheritance, a life which measures with the life of God. The gospel demands an unreserved surrender of body and soul, with all their energies and capabilities. The Lord claims all the service which any human being, aided and enriched by divine grace, can render; and to withhold this from Him is robbery.
(RH April 9, 1901, 12)
Influence is a talent, and it is a power for good when the sacred fire of God's kindling is brought into our service. The influence of a holy life is felt at home and abroad. The practical benevolence, the self-denial and self-sacrifice, which mark the life of a man, have an influence for good upon those with whom he associates.
(RH April 9, 1901, 13)
Imperceptibly influences affect the mind, and form the character. If the mind does not appropriate high and holy influences, it appropriates those that are low and debasing. If there is not a growth in piety and grace, there is a growth in worldliness and sin.
(RH April 9, 1901, 14)
In the Lord's plan there is a diversity in the distribution of talents. To one man is given one talent, to another five, to another ten. These talents are not bestowed capriciously, but according to the ability of the recipient.
(RH April 9, 1901, 15)
According to the talents bestowed will be the returns called for. The heaviest obligation rests upon him who has been made a steward of the greatest abilities. A man who has ten pounds is held responsible for all that ten pounds would do if used aright. He who has only ten pence is accountable for only that amount. God accepts according to what a man has, not according to what he has not. He does not expect from the man who has only one talent what he expects from him who has five.
(RH April 9, 1901, 16)
In the parable the man who received one talent hid it in the earth. He refused to do what he could to increase that which was given him, and then tried to make his lord responsible for his neglect. Had he been intrusted with five talents, he would have done just the same as he did with one.
(RH April 9, 1901, 17)
It is the faithfulness with which the endowment has been used that wins the Lord's commendation. If we desire to be acknowledged as good and faithful servants, we must do thorough, consecrated work for the Master. He will reward diligent, honest service. If men will put their trust in Him, if they will recognize His compassion and benevolence, and will walk humbly before Him, He will co-operate with them. He will increase their talents.
(RH April 9, 1901, 18)
God has left us in charge of His goods in His absence. Each steward has his own special work to do for the advancement of God's kingdom. No one is excused. The Lord bids us all, “Occupy till I come.” By His own wisdom He has given us direction for the use of His gifts. The talents of speech, memory, influence, property, are to accumulate for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. He will bless the right use of His gifts.
(RH April 9, 1901, 19)
We claim to be Christians, waiting for the second appearing of our Lord in the clouds of heaven. Then what shall we do with our time, our understanding, our possessions, which are not ours, but are intrusted to us to test our honesty? Let us bring them to Jesus. Let us use our treasures for the advancement of His cause. Thus we shall obey the injunction, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
(RH April 9, 1901, 20)