God's people are called to aggressive warfare, not against one another, but against the armies of the enemy. Never are they to relax their vigilance. Never are those who claim to be Christ's disciples to feel at ease in their church capacity, content to do nothing to rescue fallen human beings, and win them back to their loyalty. Heavenly angels are constantly ascending and descending between heaven and earth, engaged in unselfish service for humanity. Where are the men and women who will unite with these heavenly messengers? Think of what God has done for you! When you were perishing out of Christ, did not the warning message come to you, convincing you of sin, and arousing you to repentance? Did not Christ reveal himself to you as a sin-pardoning Saviour? And in the light and warmth of your first love, were you not filled with a longing to impart to others the grace that gave you newness of life?
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 1)
Do not allow your zeal for soul saving to decrease. You have become Christ's helping hand, and you are to work earnestly for those whom before your conversion you looked upon with indifference. Remember that they are in as favorable a condition as you were to be brought to repentance, and that their salvation may be of higher value to the church than was yours. Grudge not earnest, tender words and kindly deeds. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Open the windows of the soul heavenward, that the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness may shine into your hearts. Fresh grace to impart will be given to those who keep their souls in the love of God. Duty and sacrifice are precious to them, because of their love for Christ's purchased possession.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 2)
Those who are truly converted are eager to communicate the knowledge of God. They feel the strength of the cords that bind men and women to Christ in loving, faithful service. Once they had no interest in sinners; now they are united with Christ, and they are bound up in love with his heritage. The heart once frozen by selfishness is melted by the influence of the Spirit. They rejoice that sinners are accepted in the Beloved.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 3)
Let the soldiers in Christ's army remember that while they are under his banner, they can never be conquered; for angels from heaven are fighting beside them. And let them remember also that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” What are our orders?—“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.”
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 4)
The Lord Has Work for You
This is the work to which you are called. It is not for you to sit and listen to discourse after discourse, feeling content to do nothing, making no use of the word you hear, and often criticising the ministers. Go to work, helping on the right hand and on the left. Visit your neighbors and in a friendly way, and become acquainted with them. Use every favorable opportunity, in co-operation with the heavenly agencies, to draw them under Christ's banner.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 5)
Those who do not take up this work, those who act with the indifference that some have manifested, will soon lose their first love, and will begin to censure, criticise, and condemn their own brethren.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 6)
The Lord has a work for every one to do. As God's people act their part with faithfulness, the light will shine forth, extending farther and farther, from neighborhood to neighborhood. In places nigh and afar off there will be revivals and conversions. The light and power of the message will be seen and felt.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 7)
Let there be no indifference; for we are living amid the perils of the last days. Each one must act his part in extending and enlarging the kingdom of God. Every effort made by the human agent to co-operate with the Holy Spirit prepares him to accomplish the work God has been fitting him through his grace to do. God desires his people to use all their talents in his service. He wants them to labor for those outside the fold. He wants them to improve their capabilities, that they may become wise unto salvation, and by contemplating their duty to him and to their fellow men, learn to help others. Workers are to be trained who will train and educate others. Thus the good work will go forward, and whole communities will be blessed. Men and women will be brought into the fold at the eleventh hour, and if they are earnest and faithful, the Lord will accept them and work through them. As they put on Christ, their minds are filled with the treasures of heavenly truth, which they give to others, to be given by them to still others.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 8)
We are living in the time of the end, a time crowded with events in process of fulfillment, all working to bring about that great day when Christ shall be revealed in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. The last years of probation are fast closing. The signs of the times—the wars and rumors of wars, the strikes, murders, robberies, and accidents—tell us that the end of all things is at hand. Who can doubt the truth of the prophet's words. “The wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand”? Many of the inhabitants of the world have given themselves into Satan's control. They co-operate with him, helping him to carry out his plans against the government of God. Under his guidance, men have lost their horror of bloodshed and murder.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 9)
Satan himself stands at the head of his army, striving with all his power to perfect the force over which he rules, that he may wreak his vengeance on God's people. Knowing that his time is short, he has come down with great power, to work against all that is good. In the Scriptures, he is represented as walking up and down as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He fills the minds of his instrumentalities with hatred against God and with an intense desire for revenge.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 10)
The Last Conflict
Determined to efface the image of God in man. Satan works with an intensity of effort to hide God from view. Not openly does he work, but secretly, mingling error with truth, so seeking to bring confusion and distress. But in proportionate power God works to counteract Satan's plans and to bring to light his hidden purposes. When the enemy has seemed to be gaining a signal victory over righteousness, God has been working with mighty power in behalf of his people.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 11)
The stress of great temptation is already upon us. We are now to unite with one another in doing the work that Christ did when he was upon this earth. We are to be one in Christ. Thus we are to show our faithfulness to God, to our Redeemer, and to all who are born into his kingdom. Among the people of God there is to be no dissension, no controversy, no warfare against one another. Satan's strong efforts against good, that terrible hatred of his agencies against God's agencies, emphasize the need of union and harmony among the forces of righteousness. We have no time to wrestle and contend among ourselves, no time to work on suppositions, or cherish prejudices. It is too late for this, brethren; for Christ is at the door.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 12)
A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That which has been held in control is to be let loose. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to step down from the throne, and leave the world to the control of Satan. The principalities and powers of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of heaven. They are filled with hatred against those who serve him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the last great battle between good and evil. The earth is to be the battlefield—the scene of the final contest and the final victory. Here, where for so long Satan has led men against God, rebellion is to be forever suppressed.
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 13)
God's people are to bear a bold, decided testimony for the truth, unfolding the purposes of God by the witness of pen and voice. In place after place, they are to proclaim the message of God's word. By converted, sanctified, holy men and women the message of warning is to be proclaimed, that the prayer may be answered, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 14)
All heaven is in activity, and the angels of God are waiting to co-operate with those who will devise plans by which the souls for whom Christ died may hear the glad tidings of salvation. Angels who minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, are saying to every true saint, “There is work for you to do. Go, stand and speak to the people all the words of this life.”
(RH May 13, 1902, Art. A, 15)
All to Co-operate
A good beginning has been made in the sale of “Christ's Object Lessons.” What is needed now is an earnest, united effort to complete the work that has been so well begun. In the Scriptures we read, “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.”Romans 12:11. Every branch of God's cause is worthy of diligence; but nothing could be more deserving than this enterprise at this time. A decided work is to be done in accomplishing God's plan. Let every stroke tell for the Master in the selling of “Christ's Object Lessons.” Let all who possibly can, join the workers.
(RH May 13, 1902, 1)
From the success of the efforts already made, we see that it is far better to obey God's requirements today than to wait for what we might think a more favorable season. We must become men and women of God's opportunity, for great responsibilities and possibilities are within the reach of all who have enlisted for life service under Christ's banner.
(RH May 13, 1902, 2)
God calls us to action, that our educational institutions may be freed from debt. Let God's plan be worked out after his own order.
(RH May 13, 1902, 3)
The present is an opportunity which we cannot afford to lose. We call upon all our people to help to the utmost of their ability just now. We call upon them to do a work that will be pleasing to God in purchasing the book. We ask that every available means be used to assist in its circulation. We call upon the presidents of our conferences to consider how they can forward this enterprise. We call upon our ministers, as they visit the churches, to encourage men and women to go out as canvassers, and to make a decided forward movement in the path of self-denial by giving a part of their earnings for the help of our schools.
(RH May 13, 1902, 4)
A general movement is needed, and this must begin with individual movements. In every church let every member of every family make determined efforts to deny self, and to help forward the work. Let the children act a part. Let all co-operate. Let us do our best at this time to render to God our offering, to carry out his specified will, and thus make an occasion for witnessing for him and his truth in a world of darkness. The lamp is in our hands. Let its light shine forth brightly.
(RH May 13, 1902, 5)
Young men, you who think of entering the ministry, take up this work. The handling of the book placed in your hands by the Lord is to be your educator. In improving this opportunity you will certainly advance in a knowledge of God and of the best methods for reaching the people.
(RH May 13, 1902, 6)
The Lord calls for young men and women to enter his service. The youth are receptive, fresh, ardent, hopeful. When once they have tasted the blessedness of self-sacrifice, they will not be satisfied unless they are constantly learning of the Great Teacher. The Lord will open ways before those who will respond to his call.
(RH May 13, 1902, 7)
Bring into the work an earnest desire to learn how to bear responsibilities. With strong arms and brave hearts go forth into the conflict which all must enter, a conflict that will grow more and more severe as we approach the closing struggle.
(RH May 13, 1902, 8)
Mrs. E. G. White
The Work in All Lands
The work for the relief of our schools should be taken up by our people in all countries. Let it be entered upon by our churches in Australasia. Our school there is in need of help, and if our people will take hold of the work unitedly, they can do much toward lifting the burden of debt; they can encourage the hearts of those who are laboring to build up this, the Lord's instrumentality; and they can aid in extending its influence of blessing to far heathen lands and to the islands of the sea.
(RH May 13, 1902, 1)
We trust that our publishing house in Australia will make liberal terms in the publication of “Christ's Object Lessons.” The Lord has greatly blessed this institution, and it should present to him a thank offering by making no stinted donation toward freeing the school from debt. We feel sure that it will take up the work and act its part nobly. And this co-operation with God will prove to the Australian publishing house as great a blessing as it has proved to our institutions in America.
(RH May 13, 1902, 2)
Move out in this work, my brethren in Australasia. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”Hebrews 11:1. Have we not proved this in the past? As we have moved out, trusting God's promise, things unseen, except by the eye of faith, have become things seen. As we have walked and worked by faith, God has fulfilled to us every word he has spoken. The evidence we have of the faithfulness of his promises should check every thought of unbelief. It is a sin to doubt, and we do not believe that our brethren in Australasia will be guilty of this.
(RH May 13, 1902, 3)
The Lord has done much for you all through your borders. Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, already white for the harvest. Praise God that his word has been verified beyond all our conception.
(RH May 13, 1902, 4)
I call upon our people to enter earnestly and disinterestedly upon the work of freeing the school from debt. Let the publishing house do its part in the publication of the book. Let our people throughout Australasia take hold of the sale of “Christ's Object Lessons.” God will bless them in this work.
(RH May 13, 1902, 5)
The workers in England should make every possible effort in the sale of this book, that a school may be established in that country. My brethren in England, Germany, and all other European countries where the light of truth is shining, take hold of this work. Let this book be translated into the different languages, and circulated in the different countries of Europe. Let our canvassers in all parts of Europe be encouraged to help in its sale. The sale of this book will do much more than to aid in freeing our institutions from debt. It will open the way for our larger books to find a ready market. Thus the truth will reach many who otherwise would not receive it.
(RH May 13, 1902, 6)
I appeal especially to our brethren in Scandinavia. Will you not take hold of the work which God has given you? Will you not labor to the utmost of your ability to relieve the embarrassed institutions in your field? Do not look on in despair, saying, “We can do nothing.” Cease to talk discouragement. Take hold of the arm of Infinite Power. Remember that your brethren in other lands are uniting to give you help. Do not fail nor be discouraged. The Lord will uphold his workers in Scandinavia if they will act their parts in faith, in prayer, in hopefulness, doing all they can to advance his cause and hasten his coming.
(RH May 13, 1902, 7)
Let a most earnest effort be made by our people in England to inspire their brethren in Scandinavia with faith and courage. Brethren, we must come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.
(RH May 13, 1902, 8)
Remember that the nearer we approach the time of Christ's coming, the more earnestly and firmly we are to work; for we are opposed by the whole synagogue of Satan. We do not need feverish excitement, but that courage which is born of genuine faith.
(RH May 13, 1902, 9)