March 31, 1903
“Search the Scriptures”
No one can attain Christian perfection while neglecting the Word of God. “Search the Scriptures,” Christ said; “for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” This search enables the student to observe closely the divine model. And as he studies the life of the Redeemer, he discovers in himself many faults and weaknesses. He sees that he can not be a follower of Christ without surrendering all to him. Diligently he studies, with a desire to be like the great Exemplar; and he catches the spirit of his beloved Master. By beholding, he becomes changed. It is by thinking of Jesus, by talking of him, by studying his character, that we become changed. (RH March 31, 1903, 1)
After Christ's death, two disciples, on their way to Emmaus from Jerusalem, were talking over the scenes of the crucifixion. Christ himself drew near, unrecognized by the sorrowing travelers. Their faith had died with their Lord, and their eyes, blinded by unbelief, did not recognize their risen Saviour. Jesus, walking by their side, longed to reveal himself to them, but he accosted them merely as fellow travelers, saying, “What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?” Astonished at the question, they asked if he were a stranger in Jerusalem, and had not heard that a prophet, mighty in word and deed, had been crucified. “We trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel,” they said, sadly. (RH March 31, 1903, 2)
“O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken,” Christ said; “ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” He reproved them for not being more familiar with these scriptures. Had they known them better, their faith would have been sustained, their hopes unshaken; for prophecy plainly stated the treatment that Christ would receive from those he came to save. (RH March 31, 1903, 3)
The disciples had lost sight of the precious promises linked with the prophecies of Christ's death; but when these were brought to their remembrance, faith revived; and after Christ had revealed himself to them, they exclaimed, “Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (RH March 31, 1903, 4)
The word of God, spoken to the heart, has an animating power. Those who fail of becoming acquainted with this word can not fulfill God's requirements. Deformity of character is the result of their neglect. Their words and acts are a reproach to their Saviour. (RH March 31, 1903, 5)
The apostle tells us that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” If we would search the Scriptures, our hearts would burn within us as the truths revealed therein are opened to our understanding. Our hopes would brighten as we claim the precious promises strewn like pearls through the Sacred Writings. As we study the history of patriarchs and prophets, men who loved and feared God, walking with him, our souls would glow with the spirit that animated them. (RH March 31, 1903, 6)
Our youth should be far more desirous to become intelligent in the knowledge of the Scriptures than to excel in the study of the sciences. They should allow nothing to keep them from learning thoroughly the Sabbath-school lesson. Teachers in the Sabbath-school have before them a wide missionary field in the opportunity given them to instruct in the things of God the children and youth under their care. The teachers must themselves be filled with a love for God's Word, else how can they teach it to those in their charge in such a way that they will desire to learn more of it? And parents should co-operate with the teachers in the Sabbath-school, teaching their children the lesson during the week. But this many parents fail to do. They plead trifling excuses for not interesting themselves in their children's Sabbath-school lesson. Forgetfulness of God and his Word is the example they set before their children. Some parents while away hours in their own amusement, in unprofitable conversation, putting God and heaven out of their hearts. How much better it would be for them and for their children if they would search the Scriptures, becoming intelligent in regard to the truths given to guide us to the heavenly home. (RH March 31, 1903, 7)
Mothers are heard to regret that they have no time to teach their children, no time to instruct them in the things of God. But these same mothers find time to spend in needless stitching. They place the outward adorning above the inward adorning, which is in the sight of God of great price. In order to follow fashion, they starve their own minds and the minds of their children. (RH March 31, 1903, 8)
Fathers and mothers, I entreat you to take up your long-neglected work. Search the Scriptures for yourselves, and show your children how to study the Sacred Word. Do not send them away to study the Bible by themselves. Read and study it with them. Take them with you into the school of Christ. (RH March 31, 1903, 9)
The question is asked, What is the cause of the dearth of spiritual power in the churches? The answer is, We allow our minds to be drawn away from the Word. If the Word of God were eaten as food for the soul, if it were treated with respect and deference, there would be no necessity for the many repeated testimonies that are borne. The simple declarations of Scripture would be received and acted upon. The word of the living God is not merely written, but spoken. It is God's voice speaking to us just as surely as if we could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe we would open God's Word, and with what earnestness we would search its pages. The reading of the Scriptures would be regarded as an audience with the Most High. (RH March 31, 1903, 10)