〉 February 16, 1905
February 16, 1905
A Call For Active Work
The following extracts from a communication from Sister White, under date of January 16, 1905, addressed to some of our workers in Washington, are both instructive and encouraging: (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 1)
“Now is our time to press to the front in Washington. A decided testimony must be borne to the people in the national capital, and this work must not rest upon a few. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 2)
“A most important work is to be done in Washington, and I inquire whether you do not need the help of those who in years past have stood prominently for religious liberty. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 3)
“As we work with all our might, our trust must be in God. Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed. But there is much for God's servants to do to warn the people. This work has been greatly retarded by their having to wait and stand against the devisings of Satan, which have been striving to find a place in our work. We are years behind. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 4)
“God's law is to be vindicated, by the obedience of heart and mind, and by strong arguments. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 5)
“For a long time I have carried a heavy burden regarding the work to be done in Washington. Not one in a thousand of the people there knows what the Bible says about the Sabbath. The instruction given me is that the ten commandments should be printed in plain letters in a prominent place in the Review. Had these commandments been obeyed, the wickedness now seen in our world would never have existed. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 6)
“The time has come when the liberty of the church of Christ is endangered. Let it be a time also when true missionary work shall be done, in public ministry and in house-to-house labor. The oppression of Christ's church would apparently be a great victory for the side of transgressors of the Sabbath, and would cause rejoicing among evil-doers. But nothing should discourage us. God has victory for his people. Let sanctified ability be brought into the work of proclaiming the truth for this time. If the forces of the enemy gain the victory now, it will be because the churches have neglected their God-given work. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 7)
“When all our ministers and physicians come into line, taking their stand under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, we shall see an army of men and women going forth to work for Christ, speaking the word with holy boldness and power. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 8)
“Remind our people often of the work that may be done by the sale of our books and the distribution of tracts. Encourage them to sell the periodicals containing the message for this time. Our large books can be sold in Washington and other cities in the East, if the canvassers will take up the work courageously. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 9)
“Instruction has been given me that the important books containing the light that God has given regarding Satan's apostasy in heaven should be given a wide circulation just now; for through them the truth will reach many minds. ‘Patriarchs and Prophets,’ ‘Daniel and the Revelation,’ and ‘Great Controversy’ are needed now as never before. They should be widely circulated because the truths they emphasize will open many blind eyes. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 10)
“When ‘Patriarchs and Prophets’ was first issued, it was neglected for a book easy to sell and more profitable to the publishers. Many of our people have been blind to the importance of the very books that were most needed. Had tact and skill then been shown in the sale of these books, the Sunday law movement would not be where it is today. (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 11)
“I am glad that the Lord has at Washington able men, who can treat this Sunday movement as it should be treated. Let every minister, every evangelist, now put on the whole armor of God, and work and watch and pray. Our church-members also should humble their hearts before God, and cry aloud, and spare not. O that the Lord would imbue the members of his church with a sense of the importance of the responsibility of being laborers together with him!” (RH February 16, 1905, Art. A, 12)
Notes of Travel—No. 3
From the North Side, we drove across the city to the neighborhood of the great Chicago University, to visit Brother R. Eason and his family, who are conducting the Drexel Avenue restaurant. We were pleased to hear of the interest that some of the students who patronize the restaurant manifest in the principles and belief of those who conduct it. We had a short talk with Brother Eason's sick daughter. My heart was made sad as I saw her unable to take part in the work in which she was so much interested. She made no complaint, but put her whole trust in the Lord, saying, “Thy will be done,” yet hoping that her life might be spared, that she might help in the work so greatly needing to be done. (RH February 16, 1905, 1)
Brother Eason is doing a good work, and I pray that he may see many souls converted as the result of his efforts. Already some of those coming to the restaurant for their meals are interested in the truth for this time. (RH February 16, 1905, 2)
It is certainly a great blessing to students for them to be able to take their meals at a restaurant where they can get pure, wholesome food, free from grease, condiments, and stimulants. Far more good may be accomplished by this line of work than is generally supposed. Those engaged in it are obeying the command to sow beside all waters. (RH February 16, 1905, 3)
In our restaurants no opportunity for presenting the truth should be left unimproved. Free reading-matter should be provided, and an occasional lecture on health topics should be given. The instruction that for years has been given me is that most earnest efforts should be put forth by believers for those outside the church. Not only should the truth be proclaimed from the pulpit; the Lord's servants are to go forth into the highways and the byways, to seek for souls. Let our restaurant workers learn to make the best use of our periodicals, tracts, pamphlets, and books. (RH February 16, 1905, 4)
Late at night we took our places in the tourist sleeper that was to take us home to California over the Burlington, Rio Grande, and Southern Pacific Railways. (RH February 16, 1905, 5)
At Salt Lake we were met by several of our brethren, who urged us to remain with them for a few days. By a hard struggle the church in Salt Lake City has built a good meeting-house. In a prominent part of the city our brethren are conducting a vegetarian cafe and a health food store; and all felt the need of counsel as to how to conduct the work in Utah. (RH February 16, 1905, 6)
This invitation we were obliged to refuse. We had cut short our work in Battle Creek because of the sickness of Sister Marian Davis, and had to hasten home as quickly as possible on her account. Our visit with the brethren at Salt Lake was a short one, but it was cheering to hear of the progress of our work in this citadel of Mormonism. (RH February 16, 1905, 7)
About half an hour's ride west from Ogden, we came to the shore of the great Salt Lake, and instead of skirting round the north end of the lake as we used to do, our train kept straight on in its westward course on a long embankment built across the lake. (RH February 16, 1905, 8)
From shore to shore the distance across the lake is thirty-one miles. For more than an hour the shores seemed far away and indistinct, the mountains looming up in the distance. By one hundred and three miles of new road that has been built, the line has been shortened nearly forty-four miles, and many steep grades are avoided. Three thousand men were employed on the work for more than a year, and the cost is said to have been four and a half million dollars. (RH February 16, 1905, 9)
All the way from Chicago the traffic along the lines seemed heavy, and from Ogden west the number of long passenger-trains and freight-trains was surprising. Waiting for trains to pass delayed us, and Friday morning we saw that we could not reach home before the Sabbath. So we stopped off at Reno, Nev., and spent the Sabbath with my granddaughters, Ella and Mabel White, who had recently gone there for the winter. Ella was teaching the church-school, and Mabel was conducting a small kindergarten. On Sabbath I spoke to our people in their little meeting-house, and met some who were at the camp-meeting which I attended in Reno many years ago. (RH February 16, 1905, 10)
Some of our brethren and sisters in Battle Creek and other favored centers should be working in Nevada. (RH February 16, 1905, 11)
Death of Sister Marian Davis
Sunday evening, October 9, we reached home, after an absence of nearly six months. We found Sister Davis very sick. For twenty-five years she had been a member of my family, and a most efficient helper in my literary work. She had been with me in Texas, California, Michigan, Europe, and Australia. A year ago last May, during the General Conference at Oakland, she caught a severe cold, which led to pneumonia. This brought her very low; but during the autumn she recovered, and carried on her work during the winter. Last summer her health began to fail rapidly, and the best care of physicians and nurses could not avail to restore her to health and strength. (RH February 16, 1905, 12)
On our arrival home, we found her weak and emaciated, unable to eat enough to sustain life and build up her strength. When we had been at home for about a week, she rallied a little, and for a few days we hoped for her recovery. But suddenly she failed, and on Tuesday, October 25, she closed her life-work. Her sister, Mrs. W. K. Kellogg, and her niece, Miss Beth Kellogg, were with her during the last six weeks of her sickness. At the funeral Elder H. A. St. John spoke words of comfort, and we laid our faithful helper away to rest in the St. Helena Cemetery. (RH February 16, 1905, 13)
Of Sister Davis it can truly be said, “She hath done what she could.” All the energies of her being were freely given to the work she loved. Her quick appreciation of truth, and her sympathy for the seeker after truth, enabled her to work enthusiastically in preparing for the press the matter which the Lord has given me for his people. I miss her at the fireside, at the table, and at the family altar; but we sorrow not as those who have no hope. The time is not far when the trump of the Archangel shall sound, awaking all who sleep in Jesus to a life of endless joy. (RH February 16, 1905, 14)