March 2, 1905
Notes of Travel—No. 5
Los Angeles, Cal.
After four busy days spent at Hanford, Lamore, and Armona, we resumed our journey south, and reached Los Angeles on Thursday, November 3. At the restaurant and treatment rooms we were welcomed by Elder Burden and Dr. Simpson, and there we met Elders Santee, Healey, Simpson, and Adams. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 1)
The next day several of us went out to Glendale to see the large building that our people have recently purchased for a sanitarium. We found this building well adapted to sanitarium use, and conveniently located. The new electric street-car line runs past the property. The Glendale post-office is but two blocks away. We found that double treatment rooms were being added to the building, and painting, plumbing, and plastering were going on. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 2)
Elder W. W. Simpson had been holding tent-meetings in the heart of the city of Los Angeles during a large part of the summer, and the large tent, then standing on Grand Avenue and Seventh Street, was being used by the church for their Sabbath meetings. Soon after our arrival, letters were sent to our people in the neighboring churches, suggesting that a general meeting be held at Los Angeles on Sabbath and Sunday. In response to this, two or three hundred brethren and sisters came in from surrounding towns, and these, with the believers in the city, filled the large tent on Sabbath morning. The Lord helped me to speak to this congregation of over a thousand souls, all of whom seemed much interested. At the close of my discourse, a collection amounting to seventy-five dollars was taken up for the work among the colored people of the Southern States. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 3)
In the churches that I visited in central and southern California, I made earnest appeals in behalf of this needy work, and I hope to hear that our churches throughout the land are becoming aroused to their duty to give the work for the colored people their continual support. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 4)
There were about six hundred present at the afternoon meeting, and Brethren Adams, Ballenger, Santee, and W. C. White presented the plans for the home missionary campaign, and three thousand copies of the four special numbers of The Signs of the Times were subscribed for. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 5)
On Sunday morning W. C. White presented some encouraging facts about the progress of our work in many lands. Then Elder Burden made a plea in behalf of the Glendale Sanitarium, presenting especially the need of furniture, that the beautiful building may soon be opened for patients. In response to this appeal, eight hundred dollars was subscribed for furniture, and one hundred dollars toward the purchase fund. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 6)
On Sunday afternoon I spoke again to a large congregation. At the close of my talk, W. C. White told the people of a letter that my son Edson had written me, saying that he had gathered together one hundred and sixty dollars toward the building of an orphanage for colored children, and pleading for my help in raising one hundred and forty dollars more, saying that with three hundred dollars he hoped to be able to put up one wing of the orphanage, and open it for the waiting, suffering orphans. A collection was taken, and sixty-five dollars was given for this blessed work. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 7)
Advancement in Los Angeles
We rejoice to see that the work is moving forward in Los Angeles. The interest aroused by the meetings that Elder Simpson has been holding is remarkable. Night after night the large tent, holding two thousand persons, has been crowded. As a result of these meetings, a large number have taken their stand for the truth. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 8)
Elder Simpson presents the truth as it was presented in past years, illustrating his remarks by means of many charts. He explains the prophecies very clearly, showing plainly that the end of all things is at hand. The Lord certainly works with him, and I wish that there were hundreds of such workers in the field, proclaiming with the same earnestness and enthusiasm the last message of warning. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 9)
Special light has been given me regarding the character and magnitude of the work to be done in Los Angeles. Several times messages have been given regarding the duty that rests upon us of proclaiming the third angel's message with power in that city. And now, as we see that the Lord has blessed the labors of Brother Simpson and his faithful helpers, and that large additions have been made to the Los Angeles church, it is our duty to be wide-awake to the privileges and opportunities of the hour. Wherever such an interest is awakened as that which is now shown in Los Angeles, men of the best ability should be chosen to help in the effort. They should enter heartily into the work of visiting and holding Bible readings with those newly come to the faith, and with those who are interested, endeavoring to establish them in the faith. The new believers are to be carefully instructed, that they may have an intelligent knowledge of the various lines of work committed to the church of Christ. One or two men should not be left alone with the burden of such a work. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 10)
Much depends upon the work done by the members of the church in connection with and following the tent-meetings that shall be held in our cities. During the meeting, many, convicted by the Spirit, may be filled with a desire to begin the Christian life; but unless there is constant watchfulness on the part of the workers who remain to follow up the interest, the good impressions made on the minds of the people will become indistinct. The enemy, full of subtle reasoning, will take advantage of every failure on the part of God's workers to watch for souls as they that must give an account. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 11)
Earnest efforts must be made to lead men and women to place themselves on the Saviour's side. In this work there is need of divine help and of untiring vigilance. No one is to sleep at his post of duty. Every capability must be put to use to win for Christ a victory against the powers of darkness. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 12)
The voice of duty is the voice of God. The gospel demands from Christians unreserved consecration of soul and body. The Lord claims the highest service that men and women, aided by divine grace, can offer. In childhood, youth, and age, human beings of every rank, high and low, rich and poor, belong to God. They are to withhold nothing from him. Each one is to stand at his post of duty in the great enterprise of saving souls. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 13)
Those who present the truth are to enter into no controversy. They are to preach the gospel with such faith and earnestness that an interest will be awakened. By the words they speak, the prayers they offer, the influence they exert, they are to sow seeds that will bear fruit to the glory of God. There is to be no wavering. The trumpet is to give a certain sound. The attention of the people is to be called to the third angel's message. Let not God's servants act like men walking in their sleep, but like men preparing for the coming of Christ. (RH March 2, 1905, Art. A, 14)
A Stirring Exhortation
We give below some extracts from a communication from Mrs. E. G. White, dated February 15. This instruction ought to be studied by all our readers, and especially by the conference workers. Note the statement, “the Lord calls for action.” It is evident that prompt and decided moves ought to be made to present this message to all the people. Every leader should plan wisely, and then command all his forces for service. Sister White writes: (RH March 2, 1905, 1)
Let those who have been trained for service now take their places quickly in the Lord's work. House-to-house laborers are needed. The Lord calls for decided efforts to be put forth in places where the people know nothing of the truth. Singing and prayer and Bible readings are needed in the homes of the people. Now, just now, is the time to obey the commission, “Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Those who do this work must have a ready knowledge of the Scriptures. “It is written” is to be their weapon of defense. God has given us light on his Word that we may give it to our fellow men. The truth spoken by Christ will reach hearts. A “Thus saith the Lord” will fall upon the ear with power, and fruit will appear wherever honest service is done. (RH March 2, 1905, 2)
The Lord calls for action. The Sabbath question is being agitated in Washington, and while minds are stirred, there is an opportunity for our people everywhere to sow the seeds of truth. Should we neglect to take advantage of this time, we should miss a great opportunity for letting light from God's Word shine forth. The trumpet is to give a certain sound. (RH March 2, 1905, 3)
Christ's divinity is to be steadfastly maintained. When the Saviour asked his disciples the question, “Whom say ye that I am?” Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Said Christ, “Upon this rock,” not on Peter, but on the Son of God, “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (RH March 2, 1905, 4)
Great is the mystery of godliness. There are mysteries in the life of Christ that are to be believed, even though they can not be explained. The finite mind can not fathom the mystery of godliness. (RH March 2, 1905, 5)
Christ is to be preached, not controversially, but affirmatively. Take your stand without controversy. Let not your words at any time be uncertain. The Word of the living God is to be the foundation of our faith. Gather up the strongest affirmative statements regarding the atonement made by Christ for the sins of the world. Show the necessity for this atonement, and tell men and women that they may be saved if they will repent and return to their loyalty to God's law. Gather all the affirmatives and proofs that make the gospel the glad tidings of salvation to all who receive and believe on Christ as a personal Saviour. (RH March 2, 1905, 6)