From San Diego we returned to Los Angeles, and on Tuesday, December 6, we went to Redlands for a few days’ visit. A little way out from Los Angeles, the scenery became very uninteresting. We passed through much barren land. Here and there, the desert, by means of irrigation, had been converted into flourishing orange groves; but for miles and miles at a stretch the land was uncultivated. As we rode along, I remembered scenes presented to me years before, of barren land, such as that through which we were passing, being cultivated and improved, and, by irrigation, made to yield rich returns. I was instructed that this was an object-lesson of the influence that the saving grace of Christ should have upon the hearts and lives of human beings. And had those to whom God has given the riches of the water of life, realized the responsibilities resting upon them as stewards of the grace of God, and gone forth as faithful missionaries into all the barren places of the earth, the wilderness would have been made to blossom as the garden of the Lord.
(RH March 30, 1905, 1)
The dreary, uninviting appearance of the desert over which we were passing represented only too well the spiritual condition of many cities, towns, and country places,—a condition that might have been changed had those who know the truth put forth earnest, self-sacrificing efforts to impart light to others.
(RH March 30, 1905, 2)
Places that have not yet been worked should long ago have heard the message. Those who are familiar with the teachings of God's Word, those who understand the things that Christ has commanded, are required, as stewards of his grace, to perform faithfully their appointed work. The means entrusted to them they are to use in opening new fields, in teaching those who would accept the truth were it presented to them in the way that Christ presented it when on this earth. All who have received the light of truth are held responsible to do their part in enlightening others.
(RH March 30, 1905, 3)
Of the Saviour's work we read, “The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.”
(RH March 30, 1905, 4)
“Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. And there followed him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from Decapolis, and from Jerusalem, and from Judea, and from beyond Jordan.”
(RH March 30, 1905, 5)
These words give an illustration of the way in which Jesus cultivated the soil of the heart. They point out clearly the work that we are to do, not in one place merely, but in every place. The light that God has graciously given us we are to communicate to many others. To every nation and kindred and tongue and people the warning message is to be given.
(RH March 30, 1905, 6)
We are to learn from Christ the science of soul saving. He is the mighty Healer. In our work of preaching the gospel, we are to establish small sanitariums in many places. Sanitarium work is one very successful means of bringing the message of salvation through Christ to the attention of a large class of people who can be reached in no other way. Those from the higher walks of life will come to our sanitariums for treatment, and when they go away, they will tell others of the benefits they have received. Thus others will be induced to come. It is God's design that our sanitariums shall act an important part in giving the message of Christ's soon coming to those in the highways and the byways.
(RH March 30, 1905, 7)
As we neared Redlands, the aspect of the country changed entirely. Cultivation and irrigation have transformed the desert into beautiful and fertile orange groves, which, at the time of our visit, were laden with fruit. On reaching Redlands, we went to the home of Brother and Sister E. S. Ballenger, where we were entertained during our stay.
(RH March 30, 1905, 8)
In this short sketch I shall not attempt to describe Redlands. One morning we took a long drive over the city. We drove through a beautiful highland park, known as Smiley Heights. This was once barren hills, but it is now covered with orange groves and with a great variety of ornamental trees and shrubs. As we drove higher and higher up the mountainside, which was so beautifully adorned, we were charmed with the scenery. From the top of the hill, we obtained a fine view of the city of Redlands; and as I looked upon it, I realized that just such places had been presented to me in vision as places to which we must give special attention. I had been instructed that in places similar to this, we would have opportunity to establish sanitariums, and that by means of these institutions men and women would be taught the gospel of physical and spiritual healing.
(RH March 30, 1905, 9)
On Sabbath morning I spoke in the pretty little church building that has recently been erected by our people in Redlands. There was a good attendance, some of the brethren and sisters from San Bernardino being present. The Lord gave me strength to speak for about thirty minutes. I felt so thankful for this; for I was just recovering from a four weeks’ sickness.
(RH March 30, 1905, 10)
The Lord blessed our meeting. In the evening another meeting was held, at which Brother Ballenger and W. C. White spoke of the Glendale Sanitarium and its needs, and invited those present to help in preparing the building for the reception of patients. The church-members in Redlands are poor, but they gave liberally in response to this call.
(RH March 30, 1905, 11)