The Work in Nashville; Its Encouragements and Needs
My heart has been made glad by the encouraging advancement of the Lord's cause in Nashville, Tenn. As a few tried, faithful workers in this city have labored perseveringly, God has gone before them in a most wonderful manner, and has opened the way for a great work to be done. Those who have advanced in faith, now see so many opportunities for establishing the truth firmly in Nashville that they feel like making an effort to arouse every believer in the third angel's message to meet the emergency and help them take advantage of these opportunities. I have the same desire; and so confident have I been regarding the willingness of our brethren and sisters throughout the churches in America to meet the situation nobly, that I have encouraged our brethren in the South to arise in the strength of God, and with faith and courage enter his opening providences.
(RH September 7, 1905, 1)
The Lord has set the seal of his approval on the effort to establish memorials to his name in the city of Nashville. He has signified that from this important center, the light of the truth for this time shall radiate to every part of the Southern field. Nashville is a natural center for our work in the South. And the influence of the various educational and publishing institutions established there, makes the city a favorable place in which to carry on the various phases of our work.
(RH September 7, 1905, 2)
In Nashville much interest is taken in the colored people. In and near the city are large schools for the colored people. The truth is to be brought before the white people of Nashville, including those who have given of their means and influence for the benefit of the colored race. They have taken a noble stand for the uplifting of this people. They should be given a representation of our work that will be an object-lesson in genuine Christian education and medical missionary training. We are to do all that we can to remove from the minds of the people the prejudice the exists against our work. If the efforts we put forth are in accordance with God's will, many will be converted.
(RH September 7, 1905, 3)
For the accomplishment of the work that should be done in Nashville the best talent is needed. In so important a center of influence, we need men who talk courage and faith,—men who never become discouraged,—men who cling to the Mighty One, and in his strength make decided efforts to advance,—men who believe that the God of Israel still lives and reigns, and that he will surely fulfil his word. And how thankful we should be that at this time there are in Nashville tried soldiers of the cross,—laborers of long experience, who with voice and pen are effectively proclaiming the vital truths of the third angel's message. God desires the gray-haired pioneers, the men who acted a part in the work when the first, second, and third angels’ messages were first given, to stand in their place in his work today.
(RH September 7, 1905, 4)
The Nashville Meeting-House
For a long time the Sabbath-keepers in Nashville have met for worship in a room in the publishing house. But some have felt that in order to give a correct impression regarding the exalted character of our faith, we ought in some way to provide for a church building. But considering the lack of means, it seemed impossible to secure a suitable house of worship.
(RH September 7, 1905, 5)
About the time that Elder Haskell and his wife united with Elder Butler in labor at Nashville, the Lord instructed me in the night season to bear to the brethren and sisters in the South the following message:
(RH September 7, 1905, 6)
“God would have the standard lifted higher and still higher. The church can not abridge her task without denying her Master. Meeting-houses must be built in many places. Is it economy to fail to provide in our cities places of worship where the Redeemer may meet with his people? Let us not give the impression that we find it too great an expense to provide properly for the reception of the heavenly Guest.
(RH September 7, 1905, 7)
“In laying plans for building, we need the wisdom of God. We should not needlessly incur debt, but I would say that in every case all the money required to complete a building need not be in hand before the work is begun. We must often move forward by faith, working as expeditiously as possible. It is through a lack of faith that we fail of receiving the fulfilment of God's promises. We must work and pray and believe. We are to move forward steadily and earnestly, trusting in the Lord, and saying, ‘We will not fail nor become discouraged.’
(RH September 7, 1905, 8)
“Let our brethren in Nashville and in all parts of the South lay aside their doubts, and come over to the side of faith. Let them say, ‘We will do our best. No longer will we question the work and ways of the Lord. From this time we will believe the word of the Lord, and obey his command to “arise and build,” whether all the money required is in sight or not.’
(RH September 7, 1905, 9)
“The Lord has instructed me that in some places there are buildings suitable for our work, and that we can secure these buildings at reasonable cost.”
(RH September 7, 1905, 10)
In the providence of God, about a year after our brethren received this message, and after they had decided that they could not afford to buy land and build a meeting-house suitable for their needs, an opportunity came to them to purchase a good house of worship in a desirable location for five thousand dollars. The brethren made a careful examination of the property, and decided that it be purchased. The step required an exercise of faith; for no funds were in hand to make the first payment of one thousand dollars. Their great need led them to go forward, trusting in God for help.
(RH September 7, 1905, 11)
The building is in need of some repairs, in order that it may correspond with the directions God has given regarding the places in which his people meet to worship him.
(RH September 7, 1905, 12)
The opportunity to purchase this church property is one fulfilment of the light given me by the Lord that to our people would be offered at a price far below the original cost, properties that could be used in our work. It was in the providence of God that our brethren obtained possession of this house of worship in Nashville. We are confident the means to pay for it will come in, because we have asked for it, and God has signified that it will be received by the workers in Nashville.
(RH September 7, 1905, 13)
The Nashville Mission and Bible Training-School
Brother and Sister Haskell have rented a house in one of the best parts of the city, and have gathered round them a family of helpers, who day by day go out of giving Bible readings, selling our papers, and doing medical missionary work. During the hour of worship, the workers relate their experiences. Bible studies are regularly conducted in the home, and the young men and young women connected with the mission receive a practical, thorough training in holding Bible readings and in selling our publications. The Lord has blessed their labors, a number have embraced the truth, and many others are deeply interested.
(RH September 7, 1905, 14)
It was in this way that the fishermen who left their nets at the call of Christ were trained. A similar work should be done in many cities. The young people who go out to labor in these cities should be under the direction of experienced, consecrated leaders. Let the workers be provided with a good home, in which they may receive thorough training. The Lord has a precious, sacred work of soul-saving to be done in the world, and it is to be done now. This work is to be carried forward on a higher plane of individual responsibility than ever before.
(RH September 7, 1905, 15)
The Tent-Meeting
For a long time the workers in Nashville have been searching for a suitable place in which to pitch a tent for a series of tent-meetings. For months it seemed impossible for them to find a place, but recently the Lord opened the way for them to secure a good place, and the tent has been pitched, and the meetings opened.
(RH September 7, 1905, 16)
The God of Israel has commanded that the work in the South shall go forward. How grateful we should be that he has placed in Nashville experienced workers who are determined to make a success of the work, surmounting all difficulties! So long as these workers keep their hands uplifted to heaven, the Lord will be their strength, their front guard and their rearward.
(RH September 7, 1905, 17)
The Nashville Sanitarium
Medical missions must be opened as pioneer agencies to prepare the way for the proclamation of the third angel's message in the cities of the South. O how great is the need for means to do this work! Gospel medical missions can not be established without financial aid. Every such mission calls for our sympathy, and for our means, that facilities may be provided to make the work successful. These institutions, conducted in accordance with the will of God, would remove prejudice, and call our work into favorable notice. The highest aim of the workers is to be the spiritual health of the patients. Medical missionary work gives opportunity for carrying forward successful evangelistic work. It is as these lines of effort are united, that we may expect to gather the most precious fruit for the Lord.
(RH September 7, 1905, 18)
For some time, Brethren Hayward and Hansen have been carrying on sanitarium work in a modest way in the heart of the city, and in a rented building a few miles out of the city. The difficulties and inconveniences against which they have had to contend have greatly retarded the work, making it doubly hard.
(RH September 7, 1905, 19)
During my visit to the Southern field a year ago, we tried to find, near Nashville, a property suitable for a sanitarium. We examined several places, but arrived at no definite decision. Recently I have been rejoiced to learn that there has been found a desirable property four miles south of the city, and near the terminus of a street-car line. In this tract there are thirty-three acres of land. Our brethren regard the location as an ideal site for a sanitarium. An ample supply of water comes from a lithia spring, pure, and clear as crystal.
(RH September 7, 1905, 20)
Our brethren were able to buy this property for eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, by paying cash. The amount was loaned to them by a brother in Kentucky.
(RH September 7, 1905, 21)
A sanitarium building should soon be erected on this property. Our brethren must have help in order to build up this much-needed institution. The establishment of medical institutions in the South will make the work more expensive; but the importance of this line of effort can not be overestimated.
(RH September 7, 1905, 22)
Our Opportunity
And now, my dear brethren and sisters, how shall we relate ourselves, individually, to the work that is being carried forward in Nashville? My heart is stirred. I can not but feel the deepest sympathy for my brethren in the South, who have been laboring earnestly and untiringly to carry out the directions given that in Nashville the truth is to be proclaimed. Elder Haskell and his wife and Elder Butler have been and still are most earnest, self-denying workers in that field. They and their associates are advancing at the command of the Lord, in order that a knowledge of the truth for this time may be given to the people of Nashville and of the entire South. Shall not we encourage them to continue their aggressive work, by revealing our sympathy in a practical way?
(RH September 7, 1905, 23)
In the name of the Lord, I now call upon the members of our churches in the North and South, the East and the West, to contribute liberally for the work at Nashville. Let the children act their part. The Lord will greatly bless you as you help this needy field. He expects those for whom he has made so great a sacrifice, to show their appreciation of his love by denying self for the good of others.
(RH September 7, 1905, 24)
God has bestowed gifts on man, not capriciously, but with equality. To every man God has given talents according to his ability to use them. And it is his purpose that the different parts of his field shall receive the help that their needs demand. When his stewards act unselfishly, his work is advanced, and rejoicing is the result.
(RH September 7, 1905, 25)
True Christians, whose interests are bound up with the interests of Christ, are pained to the heart as they see that by man's cupidity the Saviour is dishonored in the person of his saints. They are cut to the quick as they see their fellow men perishing in their sins, and precious opportunities to save them passing by unimproved because means for the carrying forward of the work of soul-saving are not available.
(RH September 7, 1905, 26)
The workers in Nashville have not received the help that they should have had; and we now entreat you, my brethren and sisters, to send of your means to the workers there; for they are greatly in need of help. This morning I have been asking the Lord to move upon your hearts to do this, that his work in Nashville may not be delayed. I have faith and hope to believe that you will respond with gladness of heart.
(RH September 7, 1905, 27)
A Prayer for Help
We must all look to God. We must all present our necessities to Christ our Burden-bearer, the One who knows the great burdens that are borne by his servants in important centers, and who knows how greatly they need help.
(RH September 7, 1905, 28)
I am pleading with God to enlighten our brethren in all matters, that they may understand the work that needs to be done just now in Nashville. My prayer is: “We come to thee, O thou Saviour of the world, pleading the promise, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’ I ask sincerely, earnestly, because I believe thy word. Help our faithful, aged workers in Nashville, Tenn. I, thy dependent, believing child, take thy words, and call upon thee to open the hearts of thy people throughout the United States, and lead them to send in their offerings to Nashville now, just now. Help Elder Butler and Elder Haskell in their tent effort. Help them to secure means to pay for the meeting-house and to set it in acceptable order, so that it will make a presentation corresponding with thy directions. Help thy servants to establish a sanitarium for the honor of thy name.
(RH September 7, 1905, 29)
“In thy lessons to thy disciples thou didst say, ‘What man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?’ Thou hast said, ‘If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him.’
(RH September 7, 1905, 30)
“My Heavenly Father, we ask thee in Christ's name to give to the workers in Nashville the things they so much need to advance thy work. Encourage the hearts of thy servants to do this work, to look to thee, to ask of thee the things they need, to believe in thee. Sustain their faith and courage. O, sustain their courage, and indite their prayers! Keep them ever looking to thee, ever believing and receiving thy promised gifts. Keep them glad, hopeful, rejoicing, that their words may glorify thee.
(RH September 7, 1905, 31)
“O Lord, I do believe. O Lord, thou wilt hear. Make thy servants strong in faith, strong in hope, strong in courage, mighty in word and deed to proclaim thy truth. Amen.”
(RH September 7, 1905, 32)