“And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.”
(RH May 17, 1906, 1)
The Lord presents before his finite creatures no impossibilities. Our Heavenly Father claims not at our hands that which we can not perform. He desires his people to labor earnestly to carry out his purpose for them. They are to pray for power, expect power, and receive power, that they may grow up into the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus.
(RH May 17, 1906, 2)
Not all the members of the church are cultivating personal piety; therefore they do not understand their personal responsibility. They do not realize that it is their privilege and duty to reach the high standard of Christian perfection. God is not well pleased when all the burden-bearing is done by a few members of the church, whose physical and spiritual powers are taxed to the utmost of their ability in their effort to counteract the influence of the worldly minded, halting, doubting ones. If those so lacking in piety and earnestness would seek to learn the lessons contained in God's Word, and would feel it their duty to practise these lessons, there would be more power in the church. Every member would seek to improve his talents. The light would not be hidden under a bushel, but placed on a candlestick, and its clear, steady rays would shine forth to dispel the darkness.
(RH May 17, 1906, 3)
We are in great need of the pure, lifegiving atmosphere that nurtures and invigorates the spiritual life. We need greater earnestness. The solemn message given us to give to the world is to be proclaimed with greater fervency, even with an intensity that will impress unbelievers, leading them to see that the Most High is working with us, that he is the source of our efficiency and strength.
(RH May 17, 1906, 4)
We are not accomplishing one third of what God desires us to accomplish, because careless, ease-loving church-members shirk responsibilities, leaving them to be borne by a few willing ones. But God has not appointed a few to do all the praying, all the watching, all the believing, all the warning and entreating, while the majority look on, taking no part in the great work.
(RH May 17, 1906, 5)
Many who claim to be children of God are only a burden to the church. God has given them capabilities which, if properly used, would enable them to be a great help in his work. He expects them to be colaborers with Christ. Their inexcusable indolence is causing them to be recorded in the books of heaven as unfaithful servants. The “well-done” will be spoken to those only who are earnest, faithful workers.
(RH May 17, 1906, 6)
Shall this state of indifference continue from year to year? Are we looking forward to the latter rain, confidently hoping for a better day, when the church shall be endued with power from on high, and thus fitted for work? The latter rain will never refresh and invigorate the indolent, who do not use the powers God has given them. Is Christ always to be disappointed in the beings he has redeemed at an infinite cost?
(RH May 17, 1906, 7)
The power of a higher, purer, nobler life is our great need. God's people are to be filled with holy joy, that its radiance may shine forth from them, brightening the pathway of others. What power, what peace, what joy, the soul may have that is united with Christ. The divine splendor is revealed to those who commune with him who is the source of power.
(RH May 17, 1906, 8)
We know little of the peace and happiness and joy of heaven. We need more efficiency. We need to receive from Christ the water of life, that it may be in us a well of water, refreshing all who come within the sphere of our influence.
(RH May 17, 1906, 9)
It is not spiritual laziness that will bring us near to God, but Christian devotion, personal piety, intelligent advancement in the knowledge of Christ. We shall be filled with the fruits of righteousness. There is a higher standard for us to reach. The world has too much of our thought, and the kingdom of heaven too little.
(RH May 17, 1906, 10)
God has given us talents to be used in the upbuilding of his kingdom. Are we betraying this solemn trust? Do we ask ourselves the question, How am I using the talents my Lord has given me? Have you given to earthly things strength of purpose, tact, and skill, and to God only a feeble, diseased service? Will he accept this at your hand? Shall the eternal be made secondary to the temporal?
(RH May 17, 1906, 11)
Are we doing our appointed work? Are we showing forth in our lives the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light? Is Christ dwelling in our hearts? Are we not falling far short in our duty? If we are doers of the word, and not hearers only, we shall be whole-hearted in our efforts to make his name a praise in the earth.
(RH May 17, 1906, 12)
Christ tells us to pray with unshaken faith, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” These words will surely be fulfilled. Work to the utmost of your ability to answer this prayer. You will then feel so weighty a responsibility resting upon you that you will put away from you all selfishness, all sloth, all indifference. You will rid yourselves of all that Satan could take advantage of in his efforts to defeat Christ's prayer.
(RH May 17, 1906, 13)
We have no time to listen to the suggestions of the foe. At our baptism we pledged ourselves to break all connection with Satan and his agencies, and to put heart and mind and soul into the work of extending the kingdom of God. All heaven is working for this object. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are pledged to co-operate with sanctified human instrumentalities. If we are true to our vow, there is opened to us a door of communication with heaven,—a door that no human hand or satanic agency can close.
(RH May 17, 1906, 14)
We are to despair at nothing in the line of progression. Moral and spiritual perfection, through the grace and power of Christ, is promised to all who believe. At every step we are to ask for the help of Christ. He is the model we are to follow in character building. He calls for deeds, not words, saying, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”“Do unto others as you would they should do unto you”—this is to be our rule of life. Christ is the source of light, the fountain of life. He brings us to his word, and from the tree of life presents to us leaves for the healing of the nations. It is his purpose that human beings, purified and sanctified, shall be his helping hand. He leads us to the throne of God, and gives us a prayer to offer to him. When we live this prayer, we are brought into close contact with Christ; at every step we touch his living power. In our behalf he sets in operation the all-powerful agencies of heaven.
(RH May 17, 1906, 15)
My brother, my sister, are you carrying a burden for the unsaved? Do you know what it means to be a Christian? Not ministers only, are to know what saith the Lord. All are permitted to enter the door opened by the sacrifice of Christ. Not ministers only, but all who take their stand under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel, are to work for the Master, presenting to the sin-sick the wonderful gospel remedy.
(RH May 17, 1906, 16)
Is your faith practical? Are you doing what the Bible tells you to do? Are you using all your powers in an effort to bring the lost sheep back to the fold? There are thousands upon thousands in ignorance who might be warned. Pray as you have never prayed before for the power of Christ. Pray for the inspiration of his Spirit, that you may be filled with a desire to save those who are perishing. Let the prayer ascend to heaven, “God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.”
(RH May 17, 1906, 17)